Sentences with phrase «small increments rather»

Not exact matches

This means that your baby wasn't actually «mixed - up» during her first few weeks of life — it's perfectly normal for newborn sleep to happen in smaller increments dispersed throughout a 24 - hour period, rather than bunched up more during the night.
And honestly, if they can't afford a hospital birth, chances are they can't afford a homebirth midwife — who are generally not cheap, who will not generally make payment arrangements (or rather, will not make the same type hospitals make, payable after the fact and in small monthly increments for years; midwife payment arrangements tend to be along the lines of «Half the fee at the first appointment, and the other half a month or two later»), and who will not deliver a baby without having been paid in full prior to onset of labor (I don't have a statistic, but it seems most midwives have this particular payment policy, and payment is non-refundable).
Teeth grow by adding on enamel in small increments, leaving striations rather like shell ridges or tree rings.
On the one hand, filing for chapter 13 bankruptcy can help you save a home from foreclosure by forcing your lender to take past due mortgage payments in small increments over a 3 - 5 year period rather than forcing you to pay back what you owe in a lump sum right away.
Regardless, climate models are made interesting by the inclusion of «positive feedbacks» (multiplier effects) so that a small temperature increment expected from increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide invokes large increases in water vapor, which seem to produce exponential rather than logarithmic temperature response in the models.
This article, entitled «Giant Steps,» gives an example of what happens when a couple would rather bite the bullet and get the agreement done quickly rather than proceed in small gradual increments.
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