Sentences with phrase «small increments without»

Instead, use a process of systematic training to teach the dog to be left alone in small increments without relying on this initial crutch.

Not exact matches

And honestly, if they can't afford a hospital birth, chances are they can't afford a homebirth midwife — who are generally not cheap, who will not generally make payment arrangements (or rather, will not make the same type hospitals make, payable after the fact and in small monthly increments for years; midwife payment arrangements tend to be along the lines of «Half the fee at the first appointment, and the other half a month or two later»), and who will not deliver a baby without having been paid in full prior to onset of labor (I don't have a statistic, but it seems most midwives have this particular payment policy, and payment is non-refundable).
From 1900 to 1975 or so, there was probably a very small and gradual increment in the average weight of APBTs over the years, without any corresponding loss in performance abilities.
Law firms, too, are looking for new ways help their clients achieve these goals without consistently writing off work performed in small increments, like quick phone calls or emails for frequently asked questions.
Last week, I worked on a post in small five - minute increments until about Wednesday when I finally just gave up and gave myself permission to take the week off without fretting over it.
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