Sentences with phrase «small man»

Looking into the lake, he asked himself what one small man in his position could do.
Does the former example refer to small men who happen to be in business, or to men who run small businesses?
Even smaller men would have accepted it, staying in the wings with a larger salary.
When you're 13 different smaller men stacked up in an oversized trench coat, that just means there are 13 times as many muscles to pull.
Not only is he a prince among small men, but if the trend catches on I won't need to spend nearly as much time in toy shops buying gifts.
These he accomplished despite his growing sense that larger forces — the riptide of tribal feeling in a world that should have already shed its atavism; the resilience of small men who rule large countries in ways contrary to their own best interests; the persistence of fear as a governing human emotion — frequently conspire against the best of America's intentions.
In a story related by comedian John Leguizamo to several media outlets, Seagal actually picked up Leguizamo and slammed the much smaller man against a wall.
«Women are not small men when it comes to pain treatment,» says Mark Allen Young, MD..
«Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it.
-- He has issues with Chile fans now — People attacking his girl — Fat shamming him — He might be missing Pep who obviously tapped him up from the moment he got to England — Arsene might not be his favourite person — He might be a loaner in the dressing room now — its 50 — 50 between arsenal fans — He might have bought his dogs small Man City shirts, etc..
«-- He might have bought his dogs small Man City shirts, etc.» LOL!
He is a very small man smoking a big cigar)
Forming a mob around a common enemy — around «the sinners» — was the groupthink of deeply insecure, small men looking for a way to medicate their own small egos at the expense of a scapegoat — a scapegoat who was no more shame - worthy than they.
That man doesn't realize he's just a small small man in the eyes of a very big God and that God does not go by the name of Allah.
there are of course smaller men in dimensions applicable to brilliance, but when compared to E. Pound only the most elegant of verse writers profers a code worth imitating.
Two fiercely competitive small men in a big man's game, two sons of hardworking single moms — Allen Iverson and Larry Brown are so much alike that only their mothers could tell them apart... and bring them together
Lomachenko probably would've looked better, even though he'd be a far smaller man.
France play with two up top, the classic big man, small man routine.
You're coming off as Napoleonic child (angry small man) and fanatical.
Tall women rarely fancy small men - that explains my traumatic dating years.
James Cagney was hilarious as the world-wise small man from Brooklyn.
Globo is owned by Ben Stiller, overacting to the point of apoplexy as White Goodman; his manic performance is consistently funny, especially when he protects against Small Man Complex by surrounding himself with enormous body - builders and building an inflatable crotch into his training pants.
It's a different milieu than Toni Erdmann, so these are smaller men searching for something — it's maybe an illusion that they're so different than who they meet.
- Added Small Manned Landing Module, holds 2 people maximum, planned for use in the Competitive MP Game mode
home theater and home automation professionals amidst electricians beside cabinet professionals next to carpenters alongside carpenters beside small man cave alongside entertainment center as well built - in entertainment center ideas as well built - in entertainment center ideas
But when «Daedalus Diggle,» the wizard meant to protect them arrives, they find a «small man in a mauve tophat... sweeping the floor in a deep bow,» and announcing himself in a «squeaky excited voice.»
Barking at much smaller men (even if they are fellow boxers) does not impress me.
«Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power...
A small man with a trim goatee, Chaulk has a tattoo of a fiery phoenix on his left arm, done after his third child was born prematurely and nearly died.
«I watched a small man with thick calluses on both hands work fifteen and sixteen hours a day.
I was especially touched by the story of Jose Altuve, the Venezuelan who ended up on the Houston Astros» World Series championship team, won the American League Most Valuable Player Award and is only 5 ′ 6 ″ tall, the smallest man in baseball.
There is no crystal cortex Chopping thoughts to flute music, Prometheus is a small man behind a curtain.
He is a small man, of the dark complexion that you would expect of a man of Middle Eastern descent.
He started His church with one small men's group.
Your a small man chief.
In most places and times it has been very difficult for the «small man'to get his case heard.
A small man - made pond in the motherhouse assists in maintaining the high humidity that repels spider mites.
Why It's Good for a Crowd: Young says the smallest Man Steak the Meat Hook sells weighs in at around five pounds, which will still feed plenty.
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