Sentences with phrase «small matters for»

The vote on convention delegate rules was no small matter for the state GOP because it determined how many of the state's 43 delegates will be committed to each presidential candidate.
There have been no breaches of national security and Dr Fox has actually apologised for the much smaller matters for which he was at fault.
This may be a small matter for some but, for Christian singles who want a faith - filled partnership it's a vital difference, adding to the challenge of finding a partner who you trust shares the same values.
Three Billboards got something very right about women's rage, but it also got something very wrong about race — no small matter for a film set in Missouri in 2017 that features an openly racist cop who dances around the n - word and has tortured a black man in police custody.
This is not a small matter for students, as that money could pay the salaries of nearly half of Virginia's teachers.
However, the car's firm ride is the price you pay for its involving handling, although that will be a small matter for enthusiastic drivers.

Not exact matches

The «PM» stands for «particulate matter,» and the «2.5» stands for 2.5 microns in diameter or smaller — roughly the size of a single bacterium.
(Here's Benjamin Franklin on the subject back in 1749: «If customers slight your goods... do not affront them: do not be pert in your answers, but with patience hear, and with meekness give an answer; for if you affront in a small matter, it may probably hinder you from a future good customer.»)
This means it is more difficult for small businesses to gain backing or grants from the government to allow them to be eco-friendly in the work place, whereas large companies are able to take matters into their own hands to some extent.
Despite plenty of case work and the small matter of updating the annotated version of the act, Abudulai makes time for a number of additional roles.
What the pair learned is what marketing specialists want to shout from the rooftops: For even very small businesses, good branding matters, from your name to the colour of your logo to the copy that ties everything together.
No matter what effect the new extensions have on the market, the bottom line is that there's still room for players, both big and small, in this ever - changing, online real estate market.
(Or, for that matter, the quiet inner voice gratefully celebrating small moments of contentment?)
Still, in this technological age, few small businesses (or large ones, for that matter) can afford to forsake membership in some sort of credit card plan.
They're for commemorating the things you have made happen — no matter how small.
No matter how big or small the job, I learned to always be on time, humble and grateful for each opportunity that you get.
Challenge your negative thoughts by looking for evidence to the contrary and keep a running list of your successes, no matter how small.
The survey didn't mention payroll, which tends to complicate matters for small - business owners.
But if you're running an ecommerce business — no matter how small it is — you are a target and you need to start preparing for this eventuality.
This is a very serious concern for every entrepreneur to take care of his / her health matters by bringing small things into the routine like using fitness trackers to keep up to date about your health and fitness.
NEW YORK, April 12 (Reuters)- Global energy giants Chevron Corp and Exxon Mobil have asked U.S. regulators for exemptions to the nation's biofuels policy that have historically been reserved for small companies in financial distress, according to sources familiar with the matter.
If you're used to having support staff at your beck and call to handle matters large and small, you could be in for a real jolt of culture shock on your first solo day.
«Small business owners are a little unnerved that the small business issues that matter the most to them have not come up,» says Mark Vitner, a senior economist for Wells FSmall business owners are a little unnerved that the small business issues that matter the most to them have not come up,» says Mark Vitner, a senior economist for Wells Fsmall business issues that matter the most to them have not come up,» says Mark Vitner, a senior economist for Wells Fargo.
The electric bill, which had skyrocketed to $ 4,000 a month, is down to $ 1,000, mainly because employees were reminded that their actions, no matter how small — including turning off computers and lights when they left for the night — could have a profound impact on company expenses.
«It's clear [that] small businesses banking on e-commerce shouldn't rely too heavily on one channel to make their presence known,» wrote Heather Clancy, a contributor for Small Business Matsmall businesses banking on e-commerce shouldn't rely too heavily on one channel to make their presence known,» wrote Heather Clancy, a contributor for Small Business MatSmall Business Matters.
For more small businesses, the changes will not matter.
For GSK, it means making at least some profit in every single market, no matter how small that profit may be.
Don't let other people make your choices for you, in matters big and small.
No matter what comes down the pike in coming months, Howard urges small business owners and entrepreneurs to get out and agitate for change like they've never done before.
The lessons this year are both big and small, but no matter the size, I'm very grateful for all that I've learned and continue to learn as an entrepreneur.
Within a matter of weeks, a small plastic box on wheels with a head that appeared to be constructed out of a vintage fax machine was performing puppy tricks for the Spin Master team.
For example, if you're a prideful person, you may be unwilling to compromise on a relatively small matter that doesn't require much flexibility.
Motivate, which runs some of the biggest U.S. bike - share programs, is searching for a buyer or new capital to fend off smaller rivals, according to several people familiar with the matter.
It's a matter of being in an expensive market (Northern Virginia), NOT having stable work (freelancers working for a very small business), and just plain not * wanting * to be homeowners.
It's time to set the record straight on what S corp and C corp elections are and why they matter so much for small business owners in our handy primer to these structures.
Promising tax cuts for 2015 - 16, if the deficit is eliminated, is irresponsible no matter how small the promised tax cut may be.
Small Business, BIG Vision provides a framework for you to unleash your driven and relentless passion to achieve unprecedented growth, both personally and professionally — no matter what stage of the entrepreneurial journey you're in.
No matter your political position, it's important to stay informed on the policies that will affect your small business, so that come Election Day, you can make the right choice for you.
In fact, the increasing number of financing options available (currently over forty different types) may actually be complicating matters for small business owners.
Nellie brings up a great point, the business entity you choose matters to many lenders, but it doesn't mean you won't need to provide a personal guarantee when your small business applies for a loan.
What's more, a restaurant loan can be an important tool for fueling growth and expansion for a healthy restaurant (or any healthy business for that matter)-- but remember, timing is everything when you run a small restaurant.
HERERA: So, Fidelity joins a number of big Wall Street firms and small firms for that matter that are try to kind of rejigger their fee structure.
In other words, what the November Update, and for that matter the March budget, said is that deficit is small and inconsequential and could easily disappear in a couple of years.
Find business loans for every project — no matter how big or small — tailored to your unique business needs.
I think this is the perfect length for any safety razor no matter how large or small your hands are.
However, you can also obtain a small business loan online no matter where your small business is located, such as when you're applying for a small business loan through BFS Capital.
But running a one - person show and being deeply entrenched in everyday operations and every decision no matter how small doesn't leave any time or energy for you to think and reflect strategically and test new ways to grow key partnerships to expand your business.
Entrepreneur, the largest publication for all small business matters featured Shirley Peterson, CMIT Solutions franchisee in Fort Worth Downtown, who received CMIT Solutions» prestigious 2014 Franchisee of the Year award.
Find USPTO resources and programs for inventors, entrepreneurs, and small businesses seeking assistance with legal matters, including application filing, locating a registered...
Unemployment, Marginal Attachment and Labor Force Participation in Canada and the United States Stephen Jones, McMaster University Craig Riddell, University of British Columbia Jones and Riddell build on two previous papers: one by David Card and Riddell (originally published in Small Differences that Matter) that studies the reasons for higher rates of unemployment in Canada than the U.S. in the 1980s, the other by Jones and Riddell which uses data from the U.S. Labor Force Survey to study the differences in rates of job creation for people who are counted as unemployed versus those who are counted as out of the labor force.
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