Sentences with phrase «small news compared»

Others say that the election is small news compared to what's occurring in China, where many feel bitcoin gets its true power.

Not exact matches

YouTube told the Journal that it had a harder task than Google because of the smaller selection of videos about breaking news events, as compared to written stories.
The good news is that smaller and independent publishers (this includes you) have fewer returns compared to larger publishers.
Napa, CA — U.S. Housing News — A recent survey showed that future home buyers prefer to work with smaller, local banks, as compared to the big national banks like Wells Fargo and Bank of America.
The good news is that many small business credit cards do not carry spending limits, which means you as a business owner have the flexibility to charge based on your business needs.When you compare small business credit cards with personal credit cards, you will find that the best business credit cards have higher credit limits.
The good news is that if you take some commonsense precautions while socializing your puppy, the risk of infection is quite small compared to the much larger risk of your puppy developing serious behavior problems with fear and aggression later in life.
Indeed 30,000 is arguably an incredibly small number compared to the overall install base for FIFA 18, but it is still another negative news story regarding an EA product in as many weeks.
Some links on planetary motion and climate — this stuff isn't big news; the effects are extremely small and change very slowly, compared to the rate of CO2 increase from fossil fuel use.
The good news is that it is reported that Apple will be reducing the upper and lower bezels on the screen, so that the device continues to remain smaller when compared to the iPhone 7 Plus.
Napa, CA — U.S. Housing News — A recent survey showed that future home buyers prefer to work with smaller, local banks, as compared to the big national banks like Wells Fargo and Bank of America.
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