Sentences with phrase «small number of members»

[247] HREOC understands that these committees would consist of a small number of members of the local Aboriginal community.
While this will only benefit a small number of members, it does add to the allure of the Platinum One level.
The international dating site has a small number of members from Philippines.
The flu virus, H11N2, was found in a small number of members of a group of Adélie penguins tested at two locations on the Antarctic Peninsula, the continent's northernmost region.
First, there are a small number of members expressing entirely unacceptable anti-Semitic views and attitudes, especially on social media.
In it, Felder notes that the IDC has a smaller number of members than the mainstream Democrats.
That national forum would meet occasionally and would also elect an Executive Council from a smaller number of its members.
A NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS ® survey — Real Estate Brokerage: Income, Expenses, Profits, published in 1995 — showed that a significantly smaller number of members» companies, 25 percent, weren't profitable.

Not exact matches

Atlas Snow - Shoe is one of a growing number of small companies that are broadening the concept of individualized incentive pay to include every member of the workforce.
An Instagram following of 10,000 might seem unimpressive, but if that following consists of 50 other sneezers relevant to the niche you're going after, plus another 9,900 members of that same niche then that small - seeming number begins to look much bigger.
The group calculates that a small number of attackers can profoundly shift the way that European society views its 44 million Muslim members and, as a result, the way European Muslims view themselves.
Beginning in the 2018 tax year the federal government introduced a number of changes to the tax code to curb so - called «income sprinkling», a tactic used by some higher - income small business owners to shift income to lower - taxed family members.
After hearing from a large number of members of the Canadian Federation of Independent Business, I figured I needed to share with our government the top 10 ways small business owners (and their income) are different than employees.
According to natural selection the members of the bird species with the smallest useless wing would be the most adaptable and most likely to survive in the largest numbers.
Its members are from 90 countries and epitomise a combination of radical religious ideologues that represent an infinitesimally small number of Muslims.
Yet as most surveys indicate, only a small percentage of faculty members engage in research and writing and an even smaller number publish.
To take a single example, last year I had the privilege of participating in one of these schools in a small university town, where in a parish of about one thousand members over two hundred persons (including a goodly number of interested «enquirers» who had heard of the program through a carefully planned advertising campaign) attended eight night sessions, held from eight until ten o'clock, with a choice among eight different courses, dealing with theological, ethical, historical, devotional, and scriptural subjects.
Growing numbers of believers say they have less time to pray, participate in small groups and be active members of their local communities.
A small number of national churches and synagogues maintain special aging offices, with staffs and budgets, and some of these Orthodox, Jewish, Protestant and Catholic bodies are members of the National Interfaith Coalition on Aging.
They are concentrated in the South, truer to the stereotype — about half of their members live in these areas — with large numbers, nearly seventy percent, living in small cities, towns, and rural areas.
Pastor Stan Weatherford told WLBT TV in Jackson he was surprised when a small number of church members opposed holding the wedding at the church.
«For so long we've been thought of as a category just for vegans and vegetarians,» says Brad Lahrman, Marketing Director at Lightlife, a member of the PBFA, «but that's only a small number of our consumers.»
BG EAT will host the Buffalo Grove Green Fair on June 30 and feature 20 exhibitors at Mike Rylko Community Park, 951 McHenry Road, Buffalo Grove, and a number of activities to teach visitors about water conservation, reducing greenhouse emissions and recycling along with a recycle collection of small electronics, eyeglasses, hearing aids, keys, gently used books, household batteries and light bulbs, said Debi Moritz, also a member of the BG EAT.
With the consent of a small number of study participants, some video snippets of mother — infant interaction were shown to board members at that meeting.
Charlotte Wright, professor of community child health at the University of Glasgow and one of the members campaigning for the change in the policy, told The BMJ that she had no objection to the college surveying its members given that the numbers who voted at the annual general meeting were so small — 66 delegates supported the motion and 53 were against it.
Having a small number of parliamentarians (less than 10 %) could not influence the leading parties adopting of the laws (they have more than 50 % in Parliament), but I assume that this action might influence how some people see the Parliament members.
The man who secured over a quarter of a million votes from Labour Party members supporters and trade unionists as recently as last September is seamlessly elided into a deranged sect leader, ordering small numbers of isolated followers to top themselves in the fastnesses of a Latin American jungle.
The Green Party also has one life peer, three Members of the European Parliament, two members of the London Assembly, and a small number of councillors on various local councils in England andMembers of the European Parliament, two members of the London Assembly, and a small number of councillors on various local councils in England andmembers of the London Assembly, and a small number of councillors on various local councils in England and Wales.
I was a member of a small party which initially scooped up a large number of people who cared about issues which got mostly ignored by the established parties.
This bill lowers the number of signatures for a member of a small qualified party to get on the primary ballot of that party for Governor.
Indeed, when speaking to members around the country, that issue was seen as naval - gazing, relevant to a small number of people in the Westminster village who were aggrieved that their man didn't get the job.
In my experience in recent years, the number of Labour Party members locally who hold similar political views to me outnumber all of the smaller parties combined.
But private member's bills are vulnerable to a form of filibustering by MPs opposed to them - creating the possibility that a small number of opponents could prevent Moore's bill from becoming law.
Each House shall be the Judge of the Elections, Returns and Qualifications of its own Members, and a Majority of each shall constitute a Quorum to do Business; but a smaller Number may adjourn from day to day, and may be authorized to compel the Attendance of absent Members, in such Manner, and under such Penalties as each House may provide.
a Majority of each shall constitute a Quorum to do Business; but a smaller Number may adjourn from day to day, and may be authorized to compel the Attendance of absent Members, in such Manner, and under such Penalties as each House may provide.
A slightly smaller number of voters (16 %) favour a mostly elected chamber with a small number of appointed members — the position adopted by the Tories in their 2010 general election manifesto.
A small number of voters (5 %) favour a mostly appointed chamber with a small number of elected members.
Maragos found overtime is «heavily skewed toward a relatively small number of police force members who also tend to be the highest paid and eligible for retirement.»
Kinnock said the likely Corbyn victory would be the will of existing members and newcomers, with only a small number of ultra-leftists.
Members opted for the smaller number of acres when faced with the option of approving a 507 - acre parcel.
The number of competitive House districts is fairly small — about 50 seats out of 435 — so Walden's goal is ambitious, but top leaders backed it at the Tuesday meeting, and warned it wouldn't happen unless members stepped up and opened their wallets.
«This has resulted in genuine fear and intimidation of a small number of other members,» it said.
The right wing Progress group are struggling lack of members and smaller numbers of MP's backing it, so now we all can see the issue with Watson and the Eagles moving to the right.
In Scotland, Wales, and the London Assembly, the fixed numbers of additional members, elected in relatively small regions, are not always sufficient to fully compensate for the disproportionality caused by the single - member district (first - past - the - post voting) tier.
The largest party in an election is likely to win a smaller number of proportional seats, so that governing parties may lose diversity, unless the members elected from the party list when it was in opposition then win local seats when the party gains enough support to form the government.
[Shadow chancellor John] McDonnell and a small number of shadow cabinet members are the only ones keeping Corbyn in office.
Taste, however, operates with a much smaller number: The combination of only three members of the taste receptor type 1 (T1r) family can detect a wide range of sweet and savory flavours in humans.
Because of the small number of staff members employed in this category in each company — a big company might have a dozen people — and because of the specialized knowledge required for the job, these positions generally go to people who already work for the company.
Members of that family, including nonpathogenic E. coli (Escherichia coli), are present in small numbers in the healthy gut and protect against infection with pathogens such as Salmonella, a common cause of food poisoning.
Small ecosystems are more vulnerable to extinctions; their member species are fewer in number and have limited refuge, and so are at statistically greater risk of being eliminated by a single event, whether a hurricane or the introduction of a predatory snake.
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