Sentences with phrase «small objects such»

While not as bright as a phone screen, this small light is intense enough to see small objects such as a keyhole in the dark.
Maps, urban models and small objects such as tin toys, soda bottle caps, albums that Cosentino collected during his residency at Zilberman Gallery Berlin's artist - in - residence program in the summer of 2017, become the tools of storytelling for the narrator - protagonist.
Small objects such as hair accessories, earrings, drawing instruments or scalpel blades are defamiliarised through a process of enlargement.
Small objects such as change, jewelry, hair ties should also be kept out of reach lest they be swallowed.
In addition to the sun, planets, and moons, our solar system has a variety of small objects such as asteroids, comets, stars, meteors, and moons.
Instead of an invisibility cloak, imagine the reverse: a supermicroscope that would let you view vanishingly small objects such as individual strands of DNA.
Porpoises can locate even small fish and small objects such as net floats and fine fishing nets.
Babies at this developmental stage master the «pincer grasp «-- meaning they can hold small objects such as O - shaped cereal between their thumb and forefinger.
The first part is the white, slightly see through compartment in which you can add small objects such as pacifiers and nipples
Quantum mechanics says that a vanishingly small object such as an electron can literally be in two places in once.
Earth and the other seven planets that circle the star we call the sun and smaller objects such as moons make up our solar system.
Crepp said they could provide a link between our understanding of low - mass stars and smaller objects such as planets.

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Such particles existing on smaller and smaller scales seemingly reveal infinitesimal realms of existence and thus serve to redefine what we think of as the building blocks of reality itself and how its constituent objects interact with each other and with the universe as a whole.
Entropy, when acted upon by external forces, such as gravity, will allow smaller mass to coalesce into more complex and larger objects.
Definition of CULT 1: formal religious veneration: worship 2: a system of religious beliefs and ritual; also: its body of adherents 3: a religion regarded as unorthodox or spurious; also: its body of adherents 4: a system for the cure of disease based on dogma set forth by its promulgator 5a: great devotion to a person, idea, object, movement, or work (as a film or book); especially: such devotion regarded as a literary or intellectual fad b: the object of such devotion c: a usually small group of people characterized by such devotion
A conscious field plus its object as felt or thought of plus an attitude towards the object plus the sense of a self to whom the attitude belongs — such a concrete bit of personal experience may be a small bit, but it is a solid bit as long as it lasts; not hollow, not a mere abstract element of experience, such as the «object» is when taken all alone.
(Note: Avoid small objects, such as beans, that can pose a choking hazard for a young child.
Once all the utensils have been used, hide puzzle pieces or other small toy objects under the beans and pasta, such as shapes from shape sorters or figurines.
By 4 months babies are able to grasp and hold large objects such as blocks, but they are still not able to grasp small things such as peas.
That means lots of easy - to - handle snacks (like dry cereal, fig bars, or crackers), milk, water, plenty of diapers and wipes, a sweater in cool weather, two changes of clothes (in case of diaper blowouts, carsickness, or other spills), extra clothes for you (you never know when you'll become part of the mess), comfort objects (bear, blankie), and multiple diversions (such as board books, small toys, and finger puppets).
Fine motor skills include reaching, grasping, picking up small objects, and self - help skills such as self - feeding, dressing and hygiene.
Toddlers have an airway with a smaller diameter than adults, and even small objects can get stuck in such a small space.
You may notice that your baby is suddenly very interested in trying to pick up small items, such as pieces of carpet fuzz or Cheerios, and that she does this by attempting to «rake» the object towards her palm with all the fingers except for her thumb.
Now ask your child to imagine objects as larger or smaller than they actually are, such as a tiny bench or a huge water fountain.
Small motor skills - these include your baby's hand - eye coordination skills, such as reaching and grasping objects.
A big milestone that most children hit around 19 months is the ability to hold a container, such as a bucket, in one hand and put small objects, such as wooden blocks, into it with the other, and then dump the contents out.
Introduce a transitional object such as a small blanket or soft toy that your baby can take to bed, but not before your baby is old enough (able to roll and sit) to avoid the risk of suffocation.
On the other hand, fine motor development is mainly about the baby gaining ability to control small muscle groups for fine - tuned movements such as feeding, drawing and manipulating small objects.
In 13 - 18 months of age, your child will be walking by themselves, walking up and down stairs with one hand held by an adult, easily throwing lightweight objects such as a ball, using a small vocabulary of about four to ten words, following simple directions, and acknowledging and responding to his or her name.
This can be achieved by helping your child with certain play patterns such as grasping small objects, pouring water out of cups, squeezing things like sponges, and doing other activities that force a child to use their hands in creative ways.
Pay attention especially to small objects, such as those objects that can fit in a tube of toilet paper.
Some infants develop gross motor skills (like sitting up) earlier, while others are faster to acquire fine motor skills (such as picking up small objects).
Smaller objects, such as planets, roll into these space - time dips, as though pulled toward the heavier structures by a force.
Observations and results You should be able to build an artificial hand that can pick up light objects, such as ping - pong balls, empty plastic bottles or small stuffed animals.
Astronomers infer the presence of small rocky objects that give rise to such planets by detecting warm disks of dusty particles girdling young stars.
In just the same way there may be objects which are so small that they can not affect a ray of light, and such objects are forever invisible in the ordinary sense.
Now waves have a certain wavelength, and common experience of such waves as may be seen, for example, on the surface of the sea tells us that an object which is very much smaller than the length of the wave has no appreciable effect upon it.
Satellite galaxies are small celestial objects that orbit larger galaxies, such as our own Milky Way.
Without training, cats can pick out differences between groups of a few small objects, such as 2 versus 5, but the felines may be using visual shortcuts.
«We were stunned to see the large - ranged mobility in such small objects,» said Deborah Kelly, an assistant professor at the Virginia Tech Carilion Research Institute.
«For us, the hardware isn't much of a concern because it is widely available and getting cheaper,» explains Hatch, referring to gadgets such as the Apple iPhone, which is able to translate two fingertips pinching together and moving apart into smaller and bigger objects, respectively, on its small display.
At the end of the training period, the researchers instructed the subjects to drive the robot to various targets, such as furniture, people, and small objects, around the lab for 12 minutes.
But most submillimeter observatories so far have been single dishes or small arrays without the resolution to pick out star - forming regions in such distant objects.
The task will be complicated by the sheer number of such objects and by their diminished brightness — smaller asteroids and comets reflect less light and so more easily escape detection.
However, almost all of engineers» present expertise in building small objects involves two - dimensional structures, such as microprocessors and computer memory chips — in part because digital electronics generate lots of heat, and it is easier to cool something that is two - dimensional.
Even in the best telescopic views such a small and distant object just appears as a faint point of light.
But the moving speck of light puts out more light than you would expect for such a relatively small object.
The objects causing these low - frequency ripples — such as orbiting supermassive black holes at the centers of distant galaxies — would be different from the higher frequency ripples, emitted by collisions of much smaller black holes, that have so far been detected on Earth.
Fitting a set of objects into the smallest amount of space is such a complex scientific problem that researchers have yet to calculate the single best solution if more than around 20 objects are involved.
External forces beating up the ancient moon may explain how it once maintained a magnetic field for more than 400 million years — longer than scientists had thought such a small object could be magnetized.
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