Sentences with phrase «small outbreaks»

Cryptosporidium, or crypto for short, is a parasite that frustrates many parents each summer as it causes small outbreaks of diarrhea in places like community pools, water parks, and water spray parks that recycle the water.
The team, who published their findings in the journal Science, predict the next large - scale epidemic is unlikely to emerge for at least another ten years — although there is a possibility of smaller outbreaks in this time.
The viral disease was first isolated in 1947 from a sick rhesus monkey in the Zika Forest of Uganda and only caused small outbreaks in Africa and Southeast Asia for more than 50 years.
Scientists identified Marburg virus in 1967, when small outbreaks occurred among lab workers in Germany who were exposed to infected monkeys imported from Uganda.
The Napa valley north of San Francisco, California's prime grape growing region, has always suffered from small outbreaks of Pierce's disease.
When small outbreaks explode, even experienced organizations must re-evaluate their approaches, said Iza Ciglenecki, a project manager for Doctors Without Borders / Médecins Sans Frontières.
And a separate small outbreak has also surfaced in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, in central Africa.
The disease is endemic in the central highlands, where small outbreaks occur most years.
The ease in case numbers means that public - health countermeasures and resources can be shifted in many places, from curbing runaway outbreaks to aggressively targeting the remaining, often smaller outbreaks.
They found that their random networks quickly developed core - periphery structures, with populations of males who have sex with males forming an outbreak - sustaining core and the heterosexual population experiencing smaller outbreaks on the periphery.
While there hasn't been another incident as large as Ogden since, scores of smaller outbreaks continue to occur across the country.
While many pet owners try to figure out how to kill fleas to keep them off their pets, a recent small outbreak of plague squirrels has people concerned, as the most common way to contract plague is through contact with fleas.
Other viral diseases spread by the same mosquitoes — including dengue and chikungunya — that have caused massive epidemics south of the U.S. border have triggered only small outbreaks in the United States.
Nonacidic juices (like carrot) are most at - risk for botulism and small outbreak occurred in 2006, prompting a recall.
The model ran several different scenarios to determine the impact level ranging from smaller outbreaks that may incur few costs (i.e., no lawsuits and legal fees or fines) to larger outbreaks that incur a high amount of lawsuits and legal fees.
But there have been small outbreaks of dengue in Texas near the Mexican border, Hayden said, as well as a disease found in the Caribbean, called chikungunya, in Florida.
«It started with a small outbreak in rural Kansas» before moving to Europe, Gellin said.
The report assessed the economic and social impacts an outbreak would have on livestock producers, and said that while a nation - wide outbreak could be devastating, if a small outbreak was quickly identified, the harm done to the export market could be minimised.
Contamination of fruits and vegetables by rogue E. coli is not new: Since 1991, small outbreaks have been linked to melons, grapes, coleslaw, sprouts, and apple juice.
Other experts say the strategy can only control the small outbreaks that occur when small patches of trees are stressed.
SM: With H5N1, in the late»90s there was a small outbreak of 18 cases with six deaths in Hong Kong.
First offense: A small outbreak in Hong Kong in 1997.
Indeed, some initially thought that the epidemic might be linked to a small outbreak of a virulent bird flu strain, called H5N1, which killed a man from Hong Kong last month and sickened his 9 - year - old son (Science, 7 March, p. 1504).
E. coli O104 first emerged as a pathogen in a small outbreak in Helena in early 1994.
«Even a small outbreak involving five to 10 people can have large ramifications for a restaurant,» says Sarah M. Bartsch, research associate at the Global Obesity Prevention Center and lead author of the study.
Since then, small outbreaks have appeared in Asia and Africa, but symptoms were generally mild and did not appear to have any long - term effects.
Unfortunately, this past August, an infected dog brought in from the mainland caused a small outbreak.
Close disease surveillance and targeted use of anti-viral drugs could be enough to keep a small outbreak of avian flu from becoming the first influenza pandemic in 36 years, according to a new...
The mysterious illness first impacted Greyhounds at racing facilities in Florida in 2003 and 2004.2 In January 2004, eight of 22 affected dogs had died due to extensive hemorrhage in the lungs.4, 11 Fortunately, this was a small outbreak due to the rapid institution of containment measures.
It means things snowball fast, and it requires fast thinking to stop a small outbreak becoming the end of your settlement.
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