Sentences with phrase «small push»

To get to her mother's breast, the newborn baby will move her legs in a stepping motion, or do small push - ups with her arms to push herself along.
However it's unclear at this time whether this announcement means a very small push from March to April, or a more significant delay into later in the year like the summer or fall period.
That comes with a relatively small push in marketing for consumer - facing Huawei products, as the company continues to spend the largest amount of advertising money in China and Europe where it already has a foothold in selling own - branded devices.
However it's unclear at this time whether this announcement means a very small push from March to April, or a more significant delay into later in the year like the summer or fall period.
You are holding your lovely baby and anywhere from five minutes to an hour later they will want you to give a few small pushes to get the placenta out.
3.3.3 Upper limbs Horizontal motion is achieved by using small push ups and lowering one arm first in the direction they wish to go.
Sometimes small pushes at the peak of each contraction, enough to deal with the urge but not enough to cause swelling, are best.
Small push pins on the back of the frame hold the twine / pinecones right where I want them.
I've noticed they all hate when people try to push religion on them, even if it's a small push.
A small push from the Spaniard led to the assault claim, which was quickly cleared up.
Thankfully we used a mini Heimlich (just a small push to the diaphram) and my daughter was okay.
A small push button makes it easy for recline.
It does not seem an inconvenience to press auto twice and give the motor a small push to get it going.
2015 is slightly above the red line because of a small push from El Niño as well as even smaller contributions from solar radiation and random weather variations.
The record - setting temperatures of 2016 have seen a small push from an exceptionally strong El Niño, but they are largely the result of the heat that has built up in the atmosphere over decades of unabated greenhouse gas emissions — as the spiral graphic makes clear.
Another is pushing and pulling, in which you push down on the clitoris and make small push and pull strokes, and then slide your finger down the shaft of the clitoris.
It would be a very targeted campaign, no doubt about it, but if it's a hit I could see a small push made in the Best Production Design, Best Film Editing, Best Sound Editing, Best Sound Mixing, and Best Visual Effects fields.
Installed a small push button on the dash since you can now remove my steering wheel (quick release).
Dynamically, you immediately appreciate that this is a big vehicle, but with 664 lb - ft of torque available at 1,350 RPM, maximum thrust takes a small push of the throttle.
E-ink doesn't need a massive amount of assistance for low light readability, just a small push.
Yes, you can do a small push, maybe to friends and family and a mailing list if you have one but I wouldn't spend a ton of time marketing to this page.
Now's time for a small push to get readers excited.
Even if Nintendo gives it a small push, like what they gave Runbow, it will help sell.
It's a small push back by a month having the game be available on April 7, 2018.
Prior to Mario's 3D adventure gamers had been accustomed to «tap - tap» digital control, but the Italian plumber's N64 debut offered the ability to gracefully sprint around on all degrees of the compass, smoothly transitioning from walking to running with the smallest push on the stick.
The idea is that in many non-linear systems (of which the climate is certainly one), a small push away from one state only has small effects at first but at some «tipping point» the system can flip and go rapidly into another state.
A swinging child only needs a small push from an adult, at the right timing, to keep the swing moving higher and higher.
By the mid 1970s, many experts found it plausible that at some indeterminate point a small push could trigger severe climate change.
«Global warming is like, year on year, giving a small push toward warmer winters,» explained Gavin Schmidt, a climate scientist at NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies in New York.
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