Sentences with phrase «small road trip»

We have already done a few small road trips with our 4 month old son but my dream place to visit would be a trip South somewhere!
You might even want to think about small weekend adventures You could pan small road trips where you drive a bit further than usual.
You may have to stipulate small road trips in the policy if you want to take the car out and go to a convenient store, for example.
A few friends of mine went on a small road trip there salt month and also fell in love with its quaintness.
This is going to be so much fun to go on a small road trip with my friend and take in this inspiration filled show!
Today I took a small road trip to Zadar to see my friend and her son and it was so lovely to spend time with them in the city where I used to study and where I have only great memories laying on almost every corner of the city centre.
I drive it on the weekends and we just took a small road trip.
I hasn't towed nothing, so I can't give an opinion about that, Nethier about the realibility, I own the truck for 3 months (2500 miles, But I bougth the car with 11000 miles), but I did two small road trips, with no problems, good fuel economy in the HWY using cruise control (22 - 23 mpg) at 60 mph.
We typically venture out on a small road trip during spring break taking advantage of the freedom and... Read More
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