Sentences with phrase «small scale agriculture»

Located in the urban - rural periphery of Nairobi, the campus is easily accessible from the city center while being surrounded by small scale agriculture, away from the noise, pollution, and turbulence of the city (Upper Kabete Campus on Google Maps).
By investing in pioneering individuals, non-profits and mission driven companies who dare to re-imagine the possible, PSF has helped to bring about important breakthroughs — from cancer research and small scale agriculture to criminal justice reform and educational opportunities for young people in communities around the world.

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This organization will target small businesses and social initiatives in key areas such as health, small - scale agriculture and education.
Yet, small - scale agriculture businesses, with their seasonal revenues and volatile prices, have generally been seen as too risky and troublesome for equity impact investors.
Food > Smart Farming Utilising technological advancements like drip agriculture and access to real - time weather data is helping both large - and small - scale farmers produce more with less.
Grow More Food Festival, which offers many entertainment options for Guyanese residents, encourages all sizes of businesses within the agriculture industry to grow more food, and engages families to plant kitchen gardens and other small - scale gardens to help offset the effects of higher food prices.
Iloilo City — As opening salvo to its 8th General Assembly, MASIPAG held a one - day conference to highlight the important and central role of small - scale farmers in the development of genuine organic agriculture.
Earlier this year (March 2017) we reported how the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture issued «cease and desist» orders to a few small - scale Amish egg farmers in Wisconsin who have been shipping soy - free cage - free eggs to customers across the U.S. for over 7 years.
Organic agriculture — identified as a package of intelligent and innovative farming techniques, sustainable and fair food chains based on principles that strengthen small - scale farmers and empower rural economies - are being adopted globally by governments and local authorities, carried out by millions of farmers and supported by a rapidly increasing number of consumers.
Traditional farming methods, organic agriculture, and small - scale farming, are championed while all that is associated with the Green Revolution is reviled: in short, science and technology are bad; natural, organic and small - scale is good.
This comprehensive and accessible video explains the differences between large - scale conventional agriculture vs. small - scale organic agriculture, helping dispel the myth that industrial agriculture is necessary to feed the world.
Despite our efforts to assist Agriculture Victoria and the relevant ministers in understanding the practical realities of small - scale livestock farmers, the draft graduated controls don't appear to reduce red tape for small - scale commercial farmers, nor homesteaders or hobbyists, and yet they make it easier than ever before to set up a 1000 - cattle feedlot.
Recommendation: that after the definition of «Intensive Animal Husbandry» is revised to no longer include small - scale, low stocking density, free - range farms, that buffer distances are determined in close collaboration with communities on a case - by - case basis where intensive agriculture is proposed.
The permaculture movement, which began in the late 1970s, has also been influential in the growth of community and backyard gardening, as well as small - scale bio-diverse agriculture.
We call on Minister for Agriculture Jaala Pulford and Minister for Planning Richard Wynne to explain why small - scale pastured pig and poultry farms are to be subjected to greater scrutiny and compliance costs than cattle feedlots, instead of being treated under the law like other grazing systems that rely on supplemental feed such as the majority of Victorian beef and dairy cattle.
AFSA met with Agriculture Victoria prior to the public release and conducted a survey of small - scale livestock growers, sharing the 80 responses with the Department that showed how out of touch the stocking rates for streamlined applications were.
Topics up for discussion this year include issues around genetically modified (GM) technologies in agriculture, the impact of regulation and planning schemes on small - scale farmers, hunger activism and the «right to food», and food sovereignty at a global level.
For example, Kibbutzes or hippie communies in California don't need to spend money on R&D in agriculture, or defense, or large scale law enforcement (again, you may have the luxury to exclude 1 - 3 % of psychopaths / sociopaths from a small community, and not worry about said excluded psychopaths attacking you for your communal material possessions from outside since they are dealt with by outside society), or on disaster preparedness, or on medical R&D, or pretty much any other economic overhead of modern civilization.
This is already happening by default in Latin America and elsewhere: in Vietnam, forest area has been increasing since the 1990s after small - scale, unproductive agriculture was made uncompetitive by more intensive, larger - scale farming in the more open market economy.
«Large - scale agriculture is characteristically simplified and less diverse than small - holder agriculture,» Prof. Johns cautions.
The survey, which asks both commercial and small - scale beekeepers to track the health and survival rates of their honey bee colonies, is conducted each year by the Bee Informed Partnership in collaboration with the Apiary Inspectors of America, with funding from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).
«Small - scale agriculture threatens the rainforest.»
Bad agriculture, not population growth, he contends, is the continent's main predicament — and in this essay, he describes how more people, employed on ecologically friendly, small - scale farms will be key to African sustainable development.
Traditional farming methods, organic agriculture, and small - scale farming, are championed while all that is associated with the Green Revolution is reviled: in short, science and technology are bad; natural, organic and small - scale is good.
The ranching culture that once nurtured my family and our neighbours is largely gone, swept away by economic policies and global forces that are relentlessly hostile to small - scale agriculture and, in fact, to sustainable communities of any kind.
Mr Porritt exemplified his findings that «small really is beautiful as far as growing crops in genuinely sustainable, small - scale ways across Africa» through a recent report from the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the work of the Green Belt Movement.
The life of Gili Trawangan centers on tourism, as the island is too small to support any broad scale agriculture, and too remote to allow economically viable industry or commerce.
In much of the 3rd world, Andy's example of girls gathering firewood and water is typically a situation where a culture that used to live somewhat comfortably and with stability, through a combination of foraging, pastoralism, and small - scale agriculture or horticulture, is now seriously out of balance because unplanned modernization prompted huge population increases at the same time that resources were taken away by competing cultures.
Invest in support small - scale agriculture, energy efficient buildings, fisheries protection, forestry, energy efficient transportation, better waste management and recycling, low carbon energy, better water use practices.
Lopata was awarded the Prize for creating an ecotourism program that promotes the environmental, economic and health advantages of small family farms over large - scale factory agriculture.
Agriculture is a mainstay for most countries and a potential way out of poverty for millions of small - scale farmers.
A guest post by Heather Chi on the promise (and potential perils) of small - scale organic agriculture in China.
In addition, it promotes an inter-disciplinary and programmatic approach to disaster risk reduction for food and nutrition security, by integrating the agriculture, livestock, fisheries, forestry and natural resource management sectors, to respond to the diverse livelihoods of small - scale farmers and to the complex set of factors which contribute to disaster risks.
Types of Urban Agriculture, including modules on microfarming in and around the homes, community - and school - gardening, small scale commercial horticulture, livestock keeping and aquaculture, larger scale entreprises, multifucntional farms, urban forestry, amongst others.
Mr Porritt exemplified his findings that «small really is beautiful as far as growing crops in genuinely sustainable, small - scale ways across Africa» through a recent report from the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the work of the Green Belt Movement.
In Nairobi in the early 1990s, agriculture provided the highest self - employment earnings among small - scale enterprises and the third highest earnings in all of urban Kenya (House et al. 1993).
Social Justice and Environment Preservation (achieving the Millennium Development Goals with food, water, and energy security; sustainable economic development; non-intensive agriculture; education on climate change and environment to inform and change behavior; public health; mental health; support for small - scale farmers, women and children; rights of small - island and coastal peoples; sustainable forestry; conservation; humane treatment of animals, avoiding species extinction, maintaining biodiversity).
Small may be beautiful, but a beautiful planet may require large - scale, high productivity agriculture, not the small organic farms that have captured the environmental imagination in recent decSmall may be beautiful, but a beautiful planet may require large - scale, high productivity agriculture, not the small organic farms that have captured the environmental imagination in recent decsmall organic farms that have captured the environmental imagination in recent decades.
Bad agriculture, not population growth, he contends, is the continent's main predicament — and in this essay, he describes how more people, employed on ecologically friendly, small - scale farms will be key to African sustainable development.
As part of the RUAF `' From Seed to Table» (FStT) programme, RUAF realised 5 regional 2 - week «train the trainers» courses and 18 local staff training courses, including modules on participatory market analysis; development of short food chains; small scale enterprise development; business planning, management and administration; marketing social and green labels and certification; local financing of urban agriculture; and the design and organisation of Urban Producer Fields Schools.
Thus, to the greatest extent possible, policies at all levels should be designed and implemented to meet four goals: (i) In sustainable ways, maintain and increase the security of food supplies for food insecure people, particularly in developing countries; (ii) Enable small - scale food producers and other vulnerable populations to become more resilient to climate change; (iii) Sustainably reduce emissions from the agricultural sector; and (iv) Reduce emissions from the conversion of other land to agriculture.
Instead of creating one more body for business - as - usual, governments, funding agencies, and international organizations should be taking bold action: committing to shift resources away from climate - damaging practices of chemical - intensive industrial agriculture and meat production and towards investment in and commitment to agroecology, food sovereignty, and support to small - scale food producers.
While political support for urban agriculture has been increasing over the past years, financial support for urban small scale producers and agro-entrepreneurs remains limited: existing micro-finance institutions, banks, and micro-credit initiatives seldom allocate resources and loans to urban and peri - urban agriculture.
Little is known about the credit and finance needs of urban producers and small scale agro-entreprises and the informal financing mechanisms used by them to facilitate access to inputs and services and / or to expand their operations.The choice of the most appropriate financing mechanisms for urban agriculture should be guided by the type of urban agriculture to be supported.
Interviews with indigenous communities indicate that rainfall patterns and river levels are changing, and the minor fires traditionally used for small - scale rotational agriculture are more difficult to control.
This includes methods for analysis of consumers demands (food and non-food products), marketing channels and flows and their characteristics, assessment of the linkages between micro-enterprises involved in urban agriculture, methods to their access to credit, technical advice, labour, marketing information and other services; Analysis of strengths and weaknesses of existing micro and small enterprises related to urban agriculture and methods to improve actual management practices and efficiency in small scale enterprises involved in input supply, food processing and marketing in order to meet market demands.
Indeed that showcasing on India's natural and long - standing advantages in the area of handicraft, agriculture, in small - scale manufacturing was highlighted later in statements by various presenters.
A new study in Nature Geoscience, conducted by scientists at Columbia, Rutgers, and South Dakota State universities, shows that in the main causes of deforestation in developing nations are no longer small - scale rural agriculture but rather increasing urbanization and expansion of export - led agriculture: Study lead author Ruth DeFries of Columbia University's Earth Institute:
Sustainable Agriculture Needed to Combat Reduced Land Productivity To combat this trend, the FAO recommends a «paradigm shift» owards sustainable agricultural practices, including government support for small - scale irrigation methods and greenwater technologies to combat land degradation.
The solution isn't a simple transfer of research dollars from the pockets of Big Ag to those of smaller - scale growers, since those two styles of agriculture have different needs and wants.
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