Sentences with phrase «small scopes»

He's almost cracked $ 20 million with this little indie movie and considering its much smaller scope, he's got to be tremendously pleased.
It was a game with a much smaller scope, but it's bloated in tandem with its funding.
Now with Nintendo's other downloadable game portals for their next - gen console and handheld systems, such as WiiWare and Nintendo's E-Shop, new games with smaller scope focusing on great gameplay are possible once again.
Paper Mario is an RPG with a very small scope of platforming compared to the main series and is more focused on turn - based battles and environment manipulation than it is crushing koopas instantly by stomping on them (unless you are particularly high - leveled or have badge abilities to do it otherwise).
Cystoscopy is challenging in male cats (due to the very small urethra) but can be done with a very small scope or by accessing the bladder with a small surgical procedure and then the urethra is visualized through the bladder.
What's impressive is that Morphite actually holds up quite well thanks to its overall smaller scope (instead of impossibly huge it's «just» really big), a storyline that flows much more naturally, and the need to acquire different pieces of equipment in order to progress past certain obstacles.
Even smaller games like HellBlade: Senua's Sacrifice are showing that smaller scope single - player projects can also be profitable.
While the lore and story behind the Syder universe is extensive, Syder Arcade's relatively small scope will only act as a introduction.
A small scope also will show Titan, Saturn's largest and most intriguing moon.
This small scope can be used for handguns, rifles, and shotguns.
Power in Numbers Some astronomers are taking an even more bare - bones approach, skipping the large space missions in favor of networks of smaller scopes to spot nearby exoplanets.
Other astronomers had deduced that while spacing two telescopes just the right distance apart would suppress light at the center of the field of view, the suppression became even deeper if you flanked the telescopes with two more, smaller scopes, one on each side.
Doctors usually prescribe antifungal medications to treat yeast overgrowth, which is diagnosed by putting a small scope into your stomach (endoscopy) and taking a tiny sample of your stomach lining (biopsy).
The formerly tight - knit family finds itself spread pretty thin, forcing a decision as to whether to follow the path to success, or retreat back into a smaller scope while raising the children.
The Wave differs from something like San Andreas in its smaller scope: the disaster is more graspable, and the limited size of the human story makes it more relatable.
Writer / director J.C. Chandor — who previously helmed the underrated Margin Call — clearly knows what he's doing here and seemingly embraces the small scope of this motion picture.
This approach gives the film a smaller scope, which bumps it down a few pegs on this list, along with the film being a little too twee or cutesy in a few spots.
Overall, Root Letter is an great entry into the visual novel genre that could have used more time, more resources or a smaller scope.
Unfortunately, on a smaller scope, The Little Hours does not have a prayer to compete with the more broader and exposed comedies with bigger budgets and enticing marketing.
The project originated as a Kickstarter that originally had a smaller scope but...
It's strange that the film attempts to do so much with such a small scope.
is how effectively it manages its small scope in relation to its grander themes.
What is arguably most impressive about Anomalisa is how effectively it manages its small scope in relation to its grander themes.
Researchers believe that having such a large number of participants will allow them to spot health trends that might otherwise be overlooked by studies with a smaller scope.
A TCI involves inserting a small scope with a camera attached into the vagina.
I want to go back to above where I felt that World to the West would have been better with a smaller scope.
You mentioned that Ace Patrol was developed with a smaller team and a smaller scope.
Hopefully they have the sense to dial it back and make some smaller scope but quality games that are successful and they can make a profit on.
I can not see a new game being made for another 4 or 5 years unless something is already in the works or we see an offshoot being made with a smaller scope in mind.
It's comfortable as a bite - sized experience, and embraces this smaller scope by focusing on whimsy over wonder.
The indie hero's latest title has a smaller scope that helped inform its price tag and release plan
The first year was spent working on a hugely ambitious Monsters» Den Godfall, before he decided to do something of a smaller scope and ship quickly (inspired by Andy Moore's SteamBirds talk from the previous year's FGS).
However due to the smaller scope and scale of their operations (Nau's own staffing has dropped to 12 from 60), the level of corporate philanthropy has downsized as well.
The Law Society drew back and the ARP was suspended before being reintroduced later, with a smaller scope.
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