Sentences with phrase «small social circle»

In case you already give up meeting different men at the local bars or at your work, then there is a possibility that your prospected dating partner is limited on your small social circle.
The relevant research reveals that in most cases people who have a small social circle use internet dating so that they could get an access to different population groups and nationalities.
You are now somebody in one very small social circle but forever destined to be nobody in the public eye.
Furthermore, as adults tend to depend on their partners (because of smaller social circles, etc.) much more so than students, this would thus exacerbate a relationship's demise.

Not exact matches

For personal religious reasons, I stayed away from most of it, but because our social circle was so small, everyone basically ended up hooking up with everyone else.
The only one who was part of my social circle worked part - time during the day (naps, swaps, a small nanny share) but mostly worked at night (worked well for the nature of his job anyway), which is why we never invited him to join us.
Older adults can become malnourished due to a variety of changes; taste receptors dull with aging; limitations in mobility make cooking more cumbersome, leading to canned soup or cereal as a «main»; losses of partners and peers lead to social circle diminishment and depression, making one's world smaller and less interesting.
You'd have to pick from a very limited list of suitors — suitors who were in the same social circles as you, and probably lived in your small, unconnected area.
My social circle is pretty small.
While the small town vibe decreases anonymity around town and across social circles, it may lend itself to the culture of trust.
The proverbial pool has shrunk, with more of your peers in long - term relationships or marriages, and with your social circle feeling smaller.
Thanks to the Internet, Interracial dating has become easy, something everyone can do, irrespective of how small or limited their social circle is.
Beyond teaching reading, her job involved working with students on social development, which she would approach through organizing book circles in which students would read and discuss in small groups the issues brought up by various books.
Cliques happen in all social circles and areas, big or small.
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