Sentences with phrase «small things in life»

If you appreciate smaller things in life like a good cup of tea or an especially crisp winter morning, things will start to look up.
You know it applies to smaller things in life as well — like an outfit pairing choice or picking an accessory.
For a long time I've believed that how people approach small things in life is indicative of how they go about the important things in life.
Easy going, enjoying small things in life like the sun rises and turkeys eating grass, blurpin away.
I'm all about appreciating and recognising small things in life, because those small things combined ARE the big things in life.
I enjoy small things in life and it's very easy to make me... read more
We become disoriented and begin to call friends for directions about the smallest things in life: how to write a check, how to read a recipe, how to get the furnace fixed, what to have for dinner.
He just kind of looked at me and smiled haha... It's the small things in life that make me happy:) Can't wait to make these!
And that, in turn, has helped you to savor things that other people don't think twice about — to enjoy the small things in life as much as the big ones.
«It's the small things in life
When we are mindful about practising gratitude, whether it is saying things out loud or just feeling grateful for the small things in our lives, we effect our body mind connection in a very positive way.
Too often it is not until we lose something that we realize how important it was, as such, consider even the smallest things in your lives and be appreciative of them.
When cortisol levels remain high, emotional reasoning makes us panic about even the smallest things in life.
Oh the small things in life.
It's so frustrating and it gives you a greater appreciation of the smaller things in life.
It's truly the small things in life...
I love these post so inspiring to look at all the small things in life and appreciate them, such a good way to stay positive.
Sometimes you've got to be thankful for the small things in life.
I agree that we should enjoy the small things in life like grabbing a cup of jo at starbucks before the crazy week begins:).
That's when it hit me (oh the enlightening moments which always happen either early in the morning or in the middle of the night): I'm so thankful and happy to be able to enjoy those small things in life... The most valuable and precious moments are made of those, «insignificant» moments which so often just slide by without us giving them the value that they deserve.
You have to love yourself first to be able to love and appreciate other people and the small things in life that bring happiness!
It's the small things in life!
I feel like sometime we don't even try the smallest things in life that can bring us joy because sometimes we are too worried what others will think and other times we start judging ourself.
It's truly the small things in life that bring you happiness.
I think life is too short to sweat the small things in life.
This post inspired me to just take the small things in life such as comment cards to make me laugh.
Secondly, it's about those small things in life what makes it a rich and fulfilling one such as waking up slowly, enjoying your breakfast in peace and spending some family bonding time...:)
Even though it's a style blog, I think her attitude towards life is similar to mine, because she seems to enjoy the small things in life.
So true about appreciate the small things in life.
She seeks to inspire and be inspired, and find beauty in the small things in life.
Even the smallest things in our lives are a gift from Him.
I would be happy to meet someone that is thoughtful with a good sense of humor and enjoys the smaller things in life that make it interesting and worth being grateful!
Simple, down to earth, enjoy the small things in life.
I am a very simple man with simple tastes, I am somewhat conservative and I do like the smaller things in life
I have completed my Post graduation civil engineering, I am all about enjoying the small things in life and grabbing every opportunity that comes my way.
Also seeking someone who appreciates the small things in life...
Calm, Cool, Laid back, love to live life everyday and also love the small things in life that most people take for granted....
I try not to stress over the smaller things in life because the bigger things are what's more important.
I am thoughtful and grounded individual that is very open minded appreciates the small things in life.
im your average, down to earth guy who appreciates the smaller things in life.
I'm looking for someone that knows how to enjoy the small things in life that bring the most pleasure.
A Lover of Life... I appreciate the great and small things in life.
The small things in life are important to me...
I enjoy the small things in life.

Phrases with «small things in life»

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