Sentences with phrase «small things like that»

Even small things like tone in a negotiation email should be taken into consideration.
The S9 + earned a repair score of 4 out of 10, meaning you should absolutely leave repair work to professionals, even for small things like a battery replacement.
Take care of small things like avoiding spelling mistakes and silly grammar mistakes.
If you or your partner are criticizing each other over small things like how you dress or the way he eats, then that is a sign your relationship is in trouble.
It is easy to see this phone was designed with media in mind from small things like the external memory card slot to its super loud speakers and music control short cut keys.
Small things like making sure that your toddler eats regularly so he doesn't get too hungry will make such a difference to his behavior.
On the rest of the days, you can just move around... go for a walk... do small things like jump rope or intervals.
It's very small things like that, but it's nice to get those little details in to make the mystery unfold a with a little more planning.
This DIY mason jar storage attaches under floating shelves and lets you keep small things like nails and bolts.
You can be trusted in small things like your resume and so you can also be trusted for big things like a big project.
It's amazing how small things like buying fresh flowers can brighten up your mood when you have a rough day.
We focus on helping couples get behind the dumb and meaningless fights over small things like taking out the trash to understand how deeper emotional and psychological experiences are the real conflict drivers.
Buyers and sellers want to know that they can depend on you, even with small things like short home - buying videos.
In addition, smaller things like pet care and religion can be outlined in one of these agreements.
Even small things like taking the stairs instead of the elevator add up.
Both parent and child get a tray with two deep cup holders; the parent console has a covered storage compartment for small things like keys.
Small things like opening doors, grabbing items, and switching weapons, just look terrible.
It keeps what works about the first game, and improves on it in every way, even down to just small things like button input.
There is one small basket in which you can put small things like some toys, baby food & your small accessories; it will not that much fit for bulky shopping.
Even small things like hiccups or sucking on a pacifier can interfere in baby's digestion and cause gas bubbles.
Remember that toddlers can even help with small things like folding laundry or taking dirty bedding to the laundry room.
We spend time contemplating big things like galaxies and small things like atoms, and the knowledge we generate helps us answer basic questions, such as: Who are we?
Small things like sun shining or a smell of my favourite morning tea are things which get me excited to get up from the bed every day.
It's also a great place to pick up small things like kitchen linens and towels — they have beautiful neutral versions.
So you may want to keep your claws covered until I like you and can force myself to look past small things like that.
Sometimes these can be small things like price changes or feature changes.
If your relationship is important to you, you might have to sacrifice small things like yoga or book club.
I often find myself replacing small things like that just so I don't think about them the entire time I'm driving on a road trip.
The guest house is clean, but small things like torn curtains need a little bit of attention.
During this year the agency itself is trying to get greener by using only responsible providers and doing smaller things like recycling water bottles provided in the trips.
Very often small things like follow up with a post interview thank you email can make all the difference.
Renters insurance takes care of small things like that without admission of fault or liability, and enables everyone involved to move on quickly with their lives.
A storage pocket on the canopy gives you a place to keep small things like your keys, phone and lip balm.
I like to do small things like this for people because when someone does something small for me, it always sticks out.
Small things like adding items, spaces and wild board events also played a great role in the development of each installment as those changes added greater involvement for each player while also keeping the same charm.
Anxiety can be caused by extremes such as physical and verbal abuse, or by seemingly small things like moving to a new home, separation from their humans, or another addition to the household.
You might also notice small things like ugly paint colors or scratched wood floors.
And while it does factor into my choice of date venues, happily here it's only one of the factors I need to consider, leaving me free to also worry about small things like the beer list!
Many people who try to discredit local grassroots efforts of addressing climate change often state that the benefits brought in by small things like using LED bulbs, recycling more, etc. are insignificant in the grand scheme of things.
It never feels clumsy or totally out of its element on roads better suited for much smaller things like a Mazda MX - 5 Miata or Porsche Cayman.
Smaller things like using the binoculars by pinching and pulling the rear touch pad feels imprecise and tapping the back to perform melee attacks in first person will happen a lot when you didn't want it to.
A Pasmo card will soon be your best friend for public transport and for paying for small things like coffee.
And if spray painting a big piece of furniture seems intimidating, you can start off my spray painting small things like I did with this Clip Board Wall that I spray painted bright colors and hung in my # 1905Cottage!
Epic has also noted some other stats behind the game, including smaller things like the total number of hours played within the game (nearly 45 million), the number of traps found (nearly 59 million), and the number of people who have jumped from the Battle Bus (which flies overhead and allows players to jump out wherever — over 292 million).
There are also two zippered mesh pockets within the main compartment, which are perfect for smaller things like socks and a belt, or for dirty laundry.
Once you're sure you've found the right landing page concept, you can start testing smaller things like headlines, calls - to - action, directional cues, white space, colors, etc., as long as these aren't changing the message.
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