Sentences with phrase «small treat»

To encourage good behavior, you want to take all opportunities to praise and reward with small treats when the dog is playing well with others.
You can break them up into pieces to make smaller treats for training or for smaller dogs and puppies.
For example, say «Quiet,» wait 2 seconds, and then feed your dog several small treats in a row.
Always praise your child's efforts and you may like to give small treats as incentives for using the potty properly.
In recent years, dog food manufacturers have designed a wide variety of small treats just for this purpose.
Slightly more complex is a ball designed to release small treats as the animal pushes it along.
You can do this by keeping a supply of small treats on hand and saying your puppy's name throughout the day when he is playing or otherwise occupied.
Homemade buttery dough filled with pizza toppings, rolled into small treats and served hot is simply hard to resist.
Then reward your dog with a very small treat when he becomes quiet.
You can do this by using small treats and praise.
You can take the ice cube option up one level by placing small treats into an ice cube tray prior to adding the water.
Or - try hiding small treats around the house for your pup to find.
I feed a little of whatever we are eating, chicken, turkey, salmon, beef or pork, or liver in very small treat size quantities.
It's best to start the training while the bird is young, and it should always include lots of praise and even small treats, especially early on.
With the Dog in front of you and a few small treats given to get its attention simply move your hand towards the Dog and up.
Also place small treats around the house for her to discover, along with other favorite toys.
So, we need many small treats that are only a few calories each.
I love to make a batch of cookies or truffles or other small treats on the weekend so I can have them for an afternoon snack throughout the week.
There are many examples of «people food» that are fine to feed to your pet as occasional small treats including many fruits, vegetables, meats, and grains.
Please bring soft small treats, a buckle collar, a soft or favorite toy, and a 6 foot leash.
To get your dog to see bath time in a positive light, it's a good idea to reward him with small treats throughout, as well as acknowledging good behavior.
Allow yourself a very small treat now and then, too.
For successes you can use a reward system that is appealing to both you and your child (stickers or healthy small treats).
Of course, have lots of yummy small treats handy too.
The top screws off so you can insert small treats.
Each bag comes loaded with a 1/2 lb of delectable small treats that your dog will just love.
Aside from the risk of accidentally giving her something toxic, giving your feline small treats can easily lead to weight gain and nutrient imbalances.
In this case, a puzzle type toy that requires mental and physical effort to uncover small treats would be perfect.
Smaller dogs need smaller treats, but they crave the same big flavors.
Added elements of the game include hugs to encourage nurturing interactions in the family, and a surprise bag filled with small treats to further engage the clients.
Have six or seven small treats in your hand along with the pill.
Use small treats that are easy to chew and digest.
If the dog investigates father in, click and give a few small treats one after another.
In addition to you and your dog, you will need your own soft small treats, a buckle collar, a soft or favorite toy and a 6 foot leash.
You will need a pocket full of small treats.
You can only put very small treats or dog food in this.
St. Nicholas Day is celebrated on December 6th and traditionally, this is when children left shoes out and received small treats from this historical saint.
I'm not personally a fan of using food as a reward, but I know others who have used small treats like M&M s as a reward for potty - going.
I'm glad he liked these so well since we've basically relegated him to small treats after he got aspiration pneumonia from eating rawhides.
Increase the challange by adding smaller treats inside.
Take your leftover Christmas wrapping paper and create Pull String Party Cracker with small treats inside for a New Year celebration.
You can fill the interior with small treats such as kibble to prolong the fun and adventure for your dog.
Stubborn tendencies might be decreased by using benefit - based training involving small treats and favourite toys.
Stubborn tendencies might be decreased by using benefit - based training including small treats.
Simply put small treats or kibbles in random holes in a muffin tin and place tennis balls over the holes.
While larger gifts are typically the big hit on Christmas morning, nothing is quite as delightful as finding small treats scattered throughout your stocking.

Phrases with «small treat»

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