Sentences with phrase «smaller facets»

At the same time, a portion of the smaller facets at the top of the cluster serve as daytime driving lights, with the indicator LEDs at the bottom.
Removing the extremely small facets does nothing but remove the pain, said Bonati, who responded to a call from Ballesteros» doctor who told him the golfer needed help.
These are just two small facets of BDSM.
Most companies have had to rely on quarterly employee satisfaction surveys which only show a small facet of the issue.
Regarding Xbox SmartGlass, revealed during the Microsoft E3 Media Briefing, Nintendo stated that the upcoming Xbox 360 feature would only be able to offer a small facet of what Nintendo's own Wii U is capable of.
The airy depictions he presents for Gʉilty / (NOT) Guilty are only a small facet of his work, which spans painting, digital photography and video.

Not exact matches

He believes the Zenefits platform will ultimately evolve into «an operating system for small business,» auto - mating and transforming virtually every facet of tomorrow's workplace culture.
This means that small business owners must cut costs and improve productivity in every facet of their business.
Under Kent's leadership, the small leadership team put in place in 2007 still operates every facet of the daily operations.
He posits, for example, that Jesus in his omniscience knew that there were smaller seeds than the mustard seed, but nevertheless used «this facet of the culture of the people to whom he was speaking as a vehicle for conveying the cargo of revelational truth.
«What separates us is that we are 100 percent United States sugarcane and we utilize small - town local communities as an integral facet of our daily operations,» Faucheux says.
An example of these cultural facets can be found in the performance of 505 Southwestern Chile Sauces, a small, regional brand that Holland's company purchased a few years ago.
Some will recall moments which simply reflect a small but brilliant facet of Mike's skill.
As you forge through all of life's challenges big and small (all the while taking control of your work, your health, your family, and your relationships), consider this: You may be neglecting to take charge of one of the most important facets of your overall well - being and happiness — your microbiome.
Facet Joints are small joints all along either side of the spine that allow for the gliding of the individual bones during movement.
The bracelet offers multiple small round polished elements set with round - cut faceted crystals.
It is encrusted with one large faceted crystal in ruby red and two smaller ones in matt white.
It is encrusted with one large faceted crystal and a series of smaller rhinestones (Light Colorado Topaz / Clear).
It is encrusted with one large faceted crystal and a series of smaller rhinestones (Light Topaz / Smoked Topaz).
What stands out is the clarity of layout and abundance of advice, assistance and guidance in all facets and is totally upfront, whereas some websites often hide the small print.
2017 saw an excellent and diverse selection of scary games, from smaller scale projects to huge AAA titles that explored profoundly different facets of psychological and visceral horror.
The quick shot of Clayton's hand is a small and thoughtful detail — the only new facet this huge, cumbersome movie adds to Tarzan lore.
The three - panel look splits one of the halves in two, again, which makes those facets way too small.
The following three stories follow a small group of medical students through their training, each story building on the last, providing new facets to what has come before.
BBM is the only facet of the modern day operating system that actually is still done through Blackberry, but it is a small compromise.
As commonly happens with small open source projects, the weight of development ended up falling on the shoulders of one person, and no doubt the overwhelming task of deciding how to handle the many facets of EPUB 3 forced the development to a standstill.
CRISTINA SALAT has spent a lifetime enjoying many facets of the media industry, working behind official New York / California desks and freelance with and for large & small book publishers, magazines, film producers, newspapers, new & independent presses, and emerging / established authors nationwide.
has spent a lifetime enjoying many facets of the media industry, working behind official New York / California desks and freelance with and for large & small book publishers, magazines, film producers, newspapers, new & independent presses, and emerging / established authors nationwide.
It's a wonderful example of how a great writer can put a voice on the page that is just, well, a world — a voice that reveals so many facets of a personality and the small complexities of everyday experience.
Kristin Fontichiaro worked with Fall Forum attendees to deconstruct the concept of transliteracy into smaller, more manageable facets.
Around the same time the CIT deal was playing out, Klarman took a sizable stake in Facet Biotech — a small biotech company spun off in December 2008 from PDL BioPharma — for an average cost of $ 9 even though it had $ 17 per share in net cash at the time of the spinoff.
There are multiple facets of this job, and this job can be part of a larger company, or a small, locally based firm.
The asscher has a higher crown, a smaller table, larger step facets, and a deeper pavilion.
In this rotation, we are exposed to every facet of small animal practice.
Besides the potential for harm to the trachea, there is also the potential for the esophagus, blood and lymphatic vessels, vertebrae, intervertebral discs, facets (small joints connecting the vertebrae), spinal cord, and muscles of the neck to be adversely affected by abrupt leash tugs on a cervical collar.
«I soon realized that a door had opened for me to travel a less traditional path from the more commonly recognized small animal practitioner, and to pursue a facet of veterinary medicine that truly is important in ensuring the safety of our food supply.»
It's a hands - on result driven small group environment that will get you going with skills that will support your Obedience goals and a relationship with your new puppy that will benefit every facet of your life.
Dr. Gordon enjoys all facets of small animal veterinary medicine but has developed a special interest in acupuncture, holistic medical therapies (chiropractic, herbal medicine, homeopathy, nutrition), stem cell therapy, and platelet enhancement therapy.
Our faculty's clinical and research expertise span a large facet of small animal internal medicine fields including hematology, endocrinology, gastroenterology, hepatology, infectious and immune mediated diseases, and nephrology - urology.
Featuring the latest releases from studios large and small, and from developers old and new, Play NYC celebrates every facet of gaming in a way that only the Big Apple can.
However, these systems can easily absorb hundreds of hours just to explore a single facet, and when applied to smaller games, the meaningful interactions and creative agency are often lost.
Of course, these are just three facets out of myriad small things which could potentially go wrong.
Movie companies often worry about allowing too much control of a film's production to game companies, afraid that they'll nitpick every small detail and facet, ultimately dooming it.
From the largest city to the smallest towns, every facet of the world has a story to tell.
Perhaps Desmarais» jagged - edged sculptures are «small parts» fractured from some invisible «whole,» which the wall text suggested as a key facet of a «sample,» or maybe her square patches of painted wall «correct, enhance, or modify» the «routine» of exhibition display techniques.
We are convinced that ExxonMobil's longstanding support of a small cadre of global climate change skeptics, and those skeptics access to and influence on government policymakers, have made it increasingly difficult for the United States to demonstrate the moral clarity it needs across all facets of its diplomacy.
These results reflect two facets of our new media ecology: (1) in this media ecosystem, a small number of people can claim a large part of the discursive sphere, and (2) news is narrowcast rather than broadcast, with polarization growing from repeated exposure to similar sources.
These lawyers decide when they have time to contribute, write commentary in smaller «chunks», and can focus exclusively on the narrow facets that they find interesting.
Mr. Clark represents entities and individuals ranging from large developers to small suppliers in all facets of construction.
The firm's clients represent nearly every facet of the economy, including multinational corporations, small businesses, nonprofit institutions, municipalities, government agencies and individuals.
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