Sentences with phrase «smaller grid cells»

GFDL is currently working on the creation of a higher resolution coupled model with smaller grid cells.
Is the solution in still larger models of smaller grid cells?
The core problem is that essential heat convective processes (Lindzen's adaptive iris) occur at scales at least an order of magnitude smaller than the smallest grid cells now computationally feasible.
Cloud droplets, for example, might be a couple hundredths of a millimeter in diameter, while the smallest grid cells that are considered in a model may be more like a couple hundred kilometers across.

Not exact matches

The cells that generate smaller grids, with narrower spacing, are at the top of the entorhinal cortex, and those that generate bigger grids are at the bottom.
The Mosers also found that the different cells in the entorhinal cortex generate grids of many different types, like overlapping honeycombs — big, small and in every orientation and position relative to the box's border.
Even a relatively small initial supply of the new cells could bring solar power to remote locations that are not yet connected to any electrical grid
His later work has branched into non-rectangular grids, topographic map style regions of similar colors, CMYK color grid work, and using larger grids to make the cell by cell nature of his work obvious even in small reproductions.
Morley depicts details: each calibrated digital image as a whole is fragmented into a grid of small squares or «cells» as the artist calls them, from which Morley paints one discrete component at a time, turning the canvas upside down and sideways so that the abstract shape and color tonality of each part is addressed.
Given the pattern of migration to the suburbs and away from the large cities, small towns and countryside any large grid cell analysis claiming to capture the urban heat effect has to be nonsense.
This Homestead House is designed to function off of the standard utility grid but it would be able to generate its own electricity with photovoltaic cells and with a small vertical axis wind turbine.
Popular in sub Saharan Africa, PayGo allows users who live off the grid to use a small and portable solar power system to have lights at night and a place to charge their cell phone.
These convection cells are at least one order of magnitude smaller than the smallest computable grid cell (presently 1.1 degree or 120 km.
The latitudinal averages for HadCRUT4 closely match C&W (as you'd hope) but there are only a small number of filled grid cells in the highest latitudes.
Make the grid cells as small as computers will handle and you still have large input errors in representing surface albedo, temperature at screen height, sea surface roughness and a myriad of other variables.
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