Sentences with phrase «smaller insulin load»

There will always be errors in calculations in matching insulin to food, so a smaller insulin load enables you to reduce the errors in insulin dosing.

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To bring things back to Metabolic Flexibility, if you are metabolically inflexible AKA you can not run on fat very well in a fasted state (weight loss resistant) and you can not dispose of a dump truck load of bagels without going into a coma on the couch (insulin resistant), you have a very small window of fat and glucose that you can function in without symptoms — a la small frequent meals.
Rather, in the face of a diet such as the TWT diet, which carries a very small glycemic load, the body's production of glycogen through protein metabolism has a negligible impact on blood sugar (and essentially no adverse impact in insulin response).
For someone on a low carb diet with a lower insulin load, the majority of their insulin demand will be for basal insulin, with only a small amount required to cover food.
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