Sentences with phrase «smaller learning lab»

A computer lab was added to the library and the walls were torn down in classrooms to create two big labs and one smaller learning lab.

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Labs like this thrive on lots of small collaborations, so learn to work well with your mates.
The technique is easy to learn and, with a light touch, harmless: Simply press a small piece of transparent tape against a monarch's abdomen to collect any OE spores and then send the tape to Satterfield's lab.
This top - down approach to making graphene is quite different from previous works by Tour's lab, which pioneered the small - scale manufacture of the atom - thick material from common carbon sources, even Girl Scout cookies, and learned to split multiwalled nanotubes into useful graphene nanoribbons.
I learned that «Reviva Labs, a small company compared to the cosmetic giants, via it's european affiliations and dermatalogical research, has introduced more skin - care firsts through America's skin salons and health food stores, than most of the cosmetic giants».
Because Crellin is a small, rural school, many of their place - based projects feature the local stream or the Environmental Learning Lab on the land behind the schoolyard.
Justin Michaud (l.) and his twin brother Ryan use geometry to construct a small bicycle in the manufacturing lab at Manchester School of Technology High School, where students learn by doing hands - on projects.
Classrooms are organized in pods around computer labs, allowing students to rotate from large - group instruction into individualized tutoring, small - group project work, online learning and independent study.
Students will progress through their individualized learning plan during three - hour rotational labs, where they will learn through digital and adaptive programs, collaborate with peers, and participate in individual tutoring sessions and small - group instruction.
Our students earn much of their course credit online in learning labs, supplemented by small group instruction.
Students progress through individualized learning plans during three hour rotational labs, where they learn through digital and adaptive programs, collaborate with peers, and participate in individual tutoring sessions and small - group instruction.
Lessons learned in the lab and on the racetrack will help a new, smaller - looking Corvette slip through the air with the greatest of ease.
This small group experience will give you close contact with course instructors and colleagues as well as the opportunity to learn through case based management and a hands - on feline medicine techniques and procedures dry lab.
Execution Labs (early - stage indie studio investors), the Technoculture Art & Games research / creation centre from Concordia University, and other leaders of the Montreal indie community recognized a need for small studios and freelancers to network, share, learn and create together.
We structure our classes to ensure hands - on learning, a small student - to - teacher ratio, and provide additional coaching and lab practice hours for students who need it.
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