Sentences with phrase «smart writers and publishers»

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Publishers Weekly recently said, «Men's Health writer O'Connell (LL Cool J's Platinum Workout) delivers a smart, personally inspired health wakeup call in no uncertain terms: our excessive consumption of carbohydrates is killing us and wrecking our health - care system.»
Smart writers and agents know the value of including outside endorsements with the query letters and proposals they send to book publishers.
Jane Friedman, former publisher of Writer's Digest (whom I worked with, and remains a good friend), pretty effectively dismantled that notion last year in her smart essay, «The Future of Self - Publishing Services ``:
For some strange reason, smart writer after smart writer seems intent on wanting and fighting to give away ownership percentages in their work, both with agents, with traditional publishers, with small presses, and with indie publishing «helpers.»
This was a seminar with Chantal Restivo - Alessi, Chief Digital Officer, HarperCollins Publishers, Simon Lipskar, President, Writers House, Michael Cader of Publishers Lunch, and Rebecca Smart CEO, Osprey Group.
Smart writers (indie publishers) look at a book lasting far past their death and think of each story, each book as an investment in the future.
Many of our «manifesti» deal with writers and author - publisher relations, of course, as well as with questions of technology, marketplace approaches, the evolution of the ebook, «smart content» and much more.
Below is a list of my personal favorite books on becoming a better writer, a critical editor, and a smart publisher.
I wanted to start a business publishing writers no smart publisher wanted to publish; selling books in a format — ebooks — that readers didn't want to buy; and I'd sell these books in store called that no reader had ever heard of.
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