Sentences with phrase «smell it all»

He imagines that one day users might be able to enable touch and smell, should they so desire.
Some people don't realize that when they wear a certain scent every day, their own noses become immune to it and thus overestimate the amount they need to smell good.
«Online shoppers don't get to see, touch, feel or smell your product,» says Barkat, so the next best thing is a crisp, clear product image.
He didn't like the smell and feel of industrial cleaning products, so he decided to market a business that used green and sustainable cleansers instead.
Atmospherics explain why shopping malls smell like cinnamon and mulled cider around Christmas time and why consumers can't escape holiday song playlists no matter where they go.
The R&D team constantly plays with those ingredients to adjust smell and texture.
In addition, some people just smell bad, due to body odor and intestinal gas.
For a fragrance, it's the smell.
No one can predict the future, but over the years, I've developed the ability to smell a problem from a mile away.
Dell said the smell was caused by a problem in the manufacturing process and promised no actual cat urine was involved.
But from his notebooks of recorded observations — and of course, from his paintings — it's easy to ascertain that his senses of sight, smell, and hearing were preternatural.
But after some customers had their machines replaced and noticed the urine smell came in the same box as their computer, the jig was up.
At the post-Budget Treasury briefing yesterday there was definitely smell of blood in the water as it became clear that Hammond's spokespeople had no real defence for the broken promise.
«Moreover, the vast majority of bacteria and fungi involved in spoilage are not toxic, but spoiled food will turn your stomach with smell and taste.»
For example, if you're buying a new car and trying to decide if you should go for the leather seats, even though you know you can't afford it, your brain might focus on memories of the wonderful smell and feel of the leather seats in your brother's sports car, when it should be focused on the misery you're going to experience when making your monthly car payments.
«There was a pool on my floor, and I could smell the chlorine.
He describes, «The smell of sulphur and the roar of the pipes invades my senses.
As the fresh - baked doughnut smell wafted into the streets, customers began requesting to purchase the delicacies directly, so Rudolph cut a hole in the wall to open his first retail location.
Dell says a new manufacturing process is to blame for the bad smell coming from one of its new laptops.
Back in June, users starting speaking up on a Dell support forum about an odd smell coming from their 6430u laptops.
(And here we thought consumers were willing to pay thousands more for that fresh - car smell.)
You can almost smell it: consumers across the western world are afraid.
«When they start to decompose, that's when we would mask the smell with scented candles or incense sticks.
You've got to show your face — open a can, give a smell, make a pot of tea.
Time to smell a «rat.»
Just like you need a tow truck to bring your car to the shop, there are additional tasks required when your culture breaks down (But don't worry, fixing a culture doesn't involve sitting in the front seat of the tow truck and wondering what that smell is).
Inside the new club, there's a festive atmosphere, highlighted by healthy snacks, giveaway draws for free memberships and that new treadmill smell.
... While garbage bags smell better.
The sourcing company investigated and cited a «bad smell» at the factory and malnourishment as likely causes.
One of them, a probiotic supplement called Sweet Peach that would change the smell of women's vaginas, sounded astonishingly sexist.
The company showed commercials of women spraying Febreze at the end of their cleaning routine for the refreshing smell that completed the job.
«No one will want to smell something that doesn't look good,» she says.
Maybe you can smell coffee brewing in the office kitchen.
I can still smell the sawdust and musty air.
The plug of one of the 5,000 - kilowatt lights is starting to overheat, and the smell of burning rubber is in the air.
(To be fair, that's one step above the smell of a Pizza Hut.)
Take the lyric «When you smell like sex you don't need cologne» or «I don't care what you think, Stank Dick is a good thing!»
«Urban Dictionary defines Stank Dick as the smell your penis has after you have sex.»
An independent investigation found that the state of Michigan was primarily responsible for the contamination and had ignored complaints about the smell, taste, and health issues related to the water supply.
Winter is almost over and one can smell the flavors of Spring at your doors with every relatively warmer morning.
When I wrote earlier this week about a new probiotic supplement called Sweet Peach engineered to make women's vaginas smell like fruit, the response across the internet was understandable outrage: Who the hell were the guys behind this and what right did they have to decide how women's bodies ought to smell?
Smell is the strongest of the senses and is best able to influence brain activity.
A spokesman for the mayor of The Hague told The Guardian that the move follows a series of complaints from both residents and visitors about «the strong smell of cannabis and the noise from its users.»
«I don't think women should have vaginas that smell like peaches or anything like that,» she says.
Why do we find sensory details like the smell of a location or a character's exact carriage and demeanor so compelling?
«The implication is that Cambrian is a sexist organization that thinks women's vaginas smell bad.
The mask has a very light, clean smell, unlike some sheet masks that smell a bit weird.
The paper sheet had a pleasant smell, but felt quite delicate so I had to be careful not to tear it.
The Israeli entrepreneur has no involvement whatsoever in Sweet Peach; he and Heinz are partners in a different probiotics launch, Petomics, which is developing a product to make dog and cat feces smell like bananas.
It's hardly even a surprise anymore when a company advertises women as one of its office «perks,» or a high - profile tech conference kicks off with a joke about a a new app for staring at breasts, or a male tech investor declares he wants to change the way women smell through biohacking.
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