Sentences with phrase «smells like a paper»

Introducing Paper Passion, the new perfume that smells like a paper book (really, it's the smell of ink on paper, but same difference).
«Therefore, paper smells like paper and not metallic.»

Not exact matches

Jesus, if he looked like his contemporary semitic males odf his day was about 5» 3» tall, weighed maybe 130 #, had a swarthy (oily) complexion, had a distinctive hook nose and close set eyes, probably had few teeth, and smelled (no baths, no indoor plumbing, no toilet paper existed then),
There they'll be, sitting on your cooling paper, smelling like super chocolate from heaven, and still warm, you take your first bite.
Some of the tactics I've tried successfully to help mitigate diaper pail odors include using Citrus Disks, compressed paper disks impregnated with natural citrus oils; shaking some baking soda into the pail a couple of times a day; putting a cloth rag dabbed with a few drops of tea tree or other pleasant smelling essential oil into the pail; using Diaper Buddies, a wash - additive disk scented with natural essential oils like tea tree, mint, or lavender that combat smells in the pail and then help increase wash efficiency in the washer; and leaving the pail open.
Shot in September of 2016 in just nine days, we're thinking in the lines of the unseen Glitterati film from Roger Avary meets the Netflix and chill generation as on paper this «smells» like one of the most promising wild ride items to be offered in 2018 and will likely solidify Laia Costa as a must cast.
Students in the study reported that print was aesthetically more enjoyable, making comments such as «I like the smell of paper» or that reading in print is «real reading».
While print books are never going to disappear completely, (too many people still like the smell of paper and the act of turning a page), it is inevitable that reading books would evolve with technology just like the music and film industries have.
The EPD is great, I can have my books collection with me and read for hours, and the battery barely drains, it's almost like reading a real book, the only difference is that you don't have the smell of the paper and you can change font size and type;p, just wish they release the Android Marshmallowm because right now the latest Android OS is Lollipop and that was the worst Android version ever.
And while an e-reader can never replicate the smell and feel of a traditional book, it reads pretty much like paper.
After all, whenever I ask someone why they're still buying print books when it's more convenient and cheaper to buy digital editions (there are cheap e-book readers here in the Philippines), they tell me (and I didn't invent this) this: «I like the feel and smell of paper
We're always finding new resources to help you on your journey to perfecting your digital resume, and we happened across this nifty infographic by the team at Colorado Technical University, which includes tips on creating a digital resume, as well as tips for sprucing up your traditional resume, for potential employers who still like the smell of top - linen paper.
Well, you can scent shredded paper with good smelling scents (like using perfumes or essential oils).
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