Sentences with phrase «smile on my dad»

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Maye's penchant for keeping optimistic and working hard appears to be inherited from her father, as she wrote on her Twitter and Instagram recently:» «Keep Smiling» was my Dad's motto.
It's the voice that urges reason, like that of an obviously divorced dad on a lunch outing with his two offspring, as he alternated between ingratiating, smiling inquiries and the following gambit with the girl: «You're acting up and you're taking away the pleasure of a nice lunch.
Most Inspiring: «25,000 reasons not to worry about a down - syndrome screening test» by Noah's Dad [I only recently found this blog and it makes me smile each time it pops up on my Google Reader.]
After sitting down with slices of pizza and big smiles on all our faces (my mom, dad, Scott, and I), a monsoon rolled in and we got to enjoy each other's company with the cracking of thunder, buckets of rain, and flashes of lightening.
So, whether you're a seasoned Zumba lover or you dance like your dad, this class is guaranteed to help you meet new people, burn some calories and leave the session with a huge smile on your face.
No title compares to «my daddy» uttered with pride and a smile by your little one who thinks you are the biggest, best looking, strongest, smartest, coolest dad on the planet.
Hang in there, take care of her, don't back off your baby, and when she sees you with your baby asleep on your chest, giving her a bath, smiling at each other, she will come around and not only trust you with your daughter, but love you for being the dad her baby richly deserves.
The baby himself will raise his hand or wave to Dad, will clap to a rhyme rhythm, or point to an apple, and then a big smile on the mother's face or of another person the child is well familiar with, fills their beings with a great sense of joy.
In a Tuesday post on Facebook's Life of Dad, Johnson shared a photo of himself, smiling with his daughter, and expressed gratitude for the community he's found.
These 15 hilarious parenting quotes are sure to crack smiles on the faces of moms and dads everywhere.
Your dad props you up on a shiny red bicycle, gives you a few pointers and an encouraging smile, then runs alongside you with his hand securely on the back of the bike seat, steadying and supporting you as you fly down the sidewalk with the wind in your hair and a thrilled and slightly terrified grin on your face.
There is nothing quite like seeing a newborn root and latch on for the first time, or a 4 month old playfully smile at their mom or dad just before they latch on.
Judging by the smile on this little boy's face, this dad is making his kid's day a whole lot better.
It's a lovely tribute that you wrote here, and I hope that your dad's comments on your site bring you smiles through your sadness.
My Dad is one of the hardest working people I have ever met, never gives up and starts each day with a smile on his face.
The following article about single dads was written and posted by me on Divorced Girl Smiling right before Father's Day of this year.
Likewise, when Otto's daughter tells her dad she doesn't feel safe or tells him something inadvertently insulting, all the hopeless guy can do is smile and hang on.
Or how about crafting a level with the names of your young kids scattered throughout and loaded with coins just to see the smile on their faces — Dad of the year award!
In our house Dad makes the breakfast — his famous pancakes or french toast can always put smiles on our faces.
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