Sentences with phrase «smoking during late pregnancy»

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Previous research has tied smoking cigarettes during pregnancy to behavior problems among children later on, but those studies couldn't rule out the influence of other factors, such as genetics or parenting techniques, researchers said.
Former studies have already proven that smoking during pregnancy can harm the unborn child: Newborns from smoking mothers have shown low birth weights and impaired lung functions; later on in life respiratory diseases, diabetes type II, asthma or cardiovascular diseases were also more common.
Smoking during pregnancy — particularly among economically - disadvantaged women — leads to a host of poor pregnancy outcomes, including miscarriage, preterm birth, SIDS, and additional adverse effects later in life.
Stroud concludes, «These alterations in stress hormones, stress response, and DNA may explain links between moms» smoking during pregnancy and the risk for their children to have behavior problems and nicotine addiction in later life.
These modifications influence when and where particular genes are expressed and appear to have significant impacts on disease risk, suggesting explanations for how environmental factors such as maternal smoking during pregnancy can influence a child's risk of later health problems.
Smoking during pregnancy has been shown to predict antisocial behavior during later childhood and adolescence.36 — 40 Our results show that it predicts high levels of physical aggression in infancy after having controlled for many of the confounding variables that could explain the association, eg, antisocial behavior, low education, postpartum depression, and early parenthood.
It is never too late to stop smoking during pregnancy — stopping at any stage reduces the risks for your baby.
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