Sentences with phrase «smoking gun evidence»

We present smoking gun evidence that TRE overstated its Yunnan timber investments by approximately $ 900 million.
It's being touted as more smoking gun evidence that UEA's Jones and colleagues working in climate science conspired to cover up data, engineer which papers made it through peer review, and, most damningly, avoid Freedom of Information (FOI) requests.
Exxon had no similar smoking gun evidence that global warming was dangerous.
Rather than provide any real smoking gun evidence to the case, this last citation of Oreskes only begs for a pair of really troubling questions: are the lawyers for the San Mateo / Marin / Imperial Beach plaintiffs committing legal profession suicidal by citing evidence which is not available to read?
WFA's «Information Council for the Environment» that Gelbspan so widely touts as smoking gun evidence of a top - down industry directive «to reposition global warming as theory rather than fact «lasted just six months ** [See Author's 12/19/14 note below] in its entirety, with the actual PR tour being restricted to just three cities in May of 1991 and maybe a single 60 - second national radio ad on Rush Limbaugh's program at that time.
«We've found the smoking gun evidence for inflation and we've also produced the first image of gravitational waves across the sky.»
When a pharmaceutical industry vaccine researcher hands her smoking gun evidence about the U.S. National Immunization Program seconds before he's murdered right in front of her, Dani finds herself implicated and pursued by the police.
Thereafter, in my third article, Official: Satellite Failure Means Decade of Global Warming Data Doubtful we saw the smoking gun evidence of a cover up after examining the offending satellite's AVHRR Subsystem Summary.
The judge ultimately didn't ask about the GCSCT (I've described its central «smoking gun evidence» claim to fame as being little more than a worthless truism which Greenpeace could use with minor rewording).
In a new entertaining development inadvertently reinforcing the problem that these memos are the only «smoking gun evidence» indicting skeptic climate scientists of industry - funded corruption, Desmog's 1/29/17 piece trumpeted the arrival of former Western Fuels CEO Fred Palmer to the Heartland Institute.....
To recap: Ross Gelbspan accuses a prominent skeptic scientist of being involved in a global warming «misinformation campaign», and he claims a key «leaked memo» phrase he supposedly found is the smoking gun evidence for his overall accusation against skeptic scientists.
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