Sentences with phrase «smooth gradients»

"Smooth gradients" refers to a gradual and seamless transition between different colors, shades, or tones. It means there are no abrupt changes or visible boundaries between the different elements, making it blend or fade smoothly. Full definition
One way to communicate the fuzzyness of the variables determining the «Reasons for concern» about climate change is to use smooth gradients of colours, varying continuously from green to red (see IPCC, 2001a, Figure SPM 2, also known as the «burning embers» diagram).
Now, Oreo goes far beyond black and white with deep color, which enables apps to take advantage of more vibrant colors and smoother gradients as well as full color management.
There's some visible color banding when viewing smooth gradients, but for the most part images look really good on this affordable handset.
Huawei had to invent a name for this color scheme, which combines blue and purple into a very smooth gradient.
Moreover, in contrast to the notion that each emotional state is an island, the study found that «there are smooth gradients of emotion between, say, awe and peacefulness, horror and sadness, and amusement and adoration,» Keltner said.
Online co-op would have been great and a smoother gradient through the levels would have been appreciated but Dungeon Punks has a decent personality which helps to overcome these other grievances.
As far as we can tell, there's a smooth gradient of teacher quality.
In fact, the two different shades of red have been applied by hand to get a smooth gradient effect that accentuates and flows with the taut shape of the 720S.
Smith's meticulously painted works — equal parts retro sci - fi, art historical romp and pointed critique — masterfully alternate glazes, smooth gradients and hard - edged precision, portraying this surrogate in ever - elaborate contexts.
Through a variety of application methods Edwards works the surface of his paintings to set static backdrops through combinations of gestural abstraction, smooth gradients, and flat color.
Smith's meticulously painted works — equal parts retro sci - fi, art - historical romp and pointed critique — masterfully alternate glazes, smooth gradients and hard - edged precision, portraying this surrogate in ever - elaborate contexts.
Most smartphone cameras, like the Pixel 2, would add substantial noise to that shot, adding grain to the sky's smooth gradient.
In addition, the shape of the bokeh is very pleasant, with a smooth gradient and blur transition.
Cupertino features brushed metal buttons with a smooth gradient and a navigation that has to be seen to be believed.This one page design uses jQuery to create a smooth scrolling effect, as well as impressive web typography, subtle highlighting and appealing color palette.
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