Sentences with phrase «smooth processing»

It was an over all smooth process for purchasing my new car.
You should go for the company with the highest claim settlement ratio, so as to ensure smooth processing of claims when required.
Being knowledgeable, they would provide necessary advice to the clients, which would ensure smooth processing of the application.
To make potty training as smooth a process as possible for you and your 2 - year - old, take a moment to learn what tends to work — and what doesn't.
It can also be a simple and smooth process when you have the right agent or broker to help you.
She made the returns I had a very smooth process and was very helpful.
It turned out to be a remarkably smooth process with few complications.
Buying your first home can be made a much smoother process by using each of these tools for first time home loans.
The update would help smooth the process of eventually transitioning content to the dedicated headset.
Extremely happy work the experience and how smooth the process really was.
Our members can streamline this already smooth process even further by downloading our great dating app.
While dating in the past is no doubt a little difficult, the modern dating platform will certainly make it easier and a fairly smooth process.
Understanding the racing sports along with extensive insurance experience can make this a nice smooth process without the headaches.
We applied for a rental home and it was smooth process got approval within 2 days we looking forward to working with them on our new lease.
Real easy real smooth process for buying a car.
My focus is to offer smooth processing of business and earning the respect of our customers.
Assisted with order entry and coordinated with accounts department on daily operational tasks enabling smooth processing of 50 - 100 orders weekly.
I had to add couple of tablespoons of water to aid smooth processing.
Maintaining a central repository to access all the relevant information they need to carry out their tasks ensures smooth process flow.
I'm so excited about my new car and how smooth the process went.
To make potty training as smooth a process as possible for you and your preschooler, take a moment to learn what tends to work — and what doesn't.
The service was great and made purchasing my first car a very smooth process.
A little organization and research beforehand can go a long way and make online training globalization a much smoother process.
If you struggle to find the time for book marketing, the following ideas can help smooth the process and increase your efficiency.
Track record of working in collaboration with team members to ensure smooth processes.
I am still in awe at how smooth the process has been.
Smooth the process of becoming head of state with respect to time, in various ways such as indirect election by a rolling elected panel.
Nice and smooth process from beginning to end.
Consultation with an employee planning to undergo surgery about matters such as what colleagues will be told about their absence is likely to help in smoothing the process.
Having federal brownfields liability relief in place would have smoothed the process by eliminating the need for extensive negotiations with the state before the town and nonprofit developer, which weren't responsible for the contamination, could be indemnified from liability.
If sponsor academies continue to be used, and the DfE's local panjandrums confine themselves to fiddling with schools in transition to smooth the process along, this may be a minor issue.
«We are focused on smoothing the process of introduction by making it easier for singles to meet and get to know one another whether online or offline.»
The light turns green, and then the electric motor pulls you forward, and when the engine engages and takes over the burden, the CVT smooths the process so it all feels natural.
What seemed a relatively smooth process of expansion at that pace was upended when HarperCollins, publisher of Elmore Leonard, Joyce Carol Oates, Sarah Palin, and scores of other notables, disclosed that, going forward, its e-books would expire after the book...
Although we survived the process, got it done, and — dare I say — honed our teamwork superpowers, it could have been a much smoother process if I had wrapped my head around a few important considerations before jumping into self - publishing a book.
Remember that good communication smooths the process and reduces the possibility of errors getting through.
This makes everything easier, from understanding why your dog is reacting a certain way to new things to getting to the heart of that barking - for - no - reason thing, from understanding the importance of smell or the limitations of sight, to predicting your dog's behavior, which then makes training a much more smooth process.
Explaining that recruiters often have client - focused (i.e., company - focused) rules they follow when submitting to their clients, complying with these resume formatting requests are opportunities to maintain the relationship with the recruiter and facilitate smooth processes.
Designed for both iOS and Android users, our dating app can make our already smooth process even smoother, leaving you free to focus on the fun bit — the dates themselves!
I felt it was a fairly smooth process because we were all in agreement of what the music should be saying.»
Working with Power Up Audio has been an incredibly smooth process.
As a result, they tend to be a bit more textured and «slubby» than smoother processed silks.
I'd like to compliment the USGI Team for the excellent service they provided for My Claim Settlement with less paper formalities smooth process for Claim Settlement.Gratefully would like to state «A 5 Star Service».
Plasmas don't need higher refresh rates, though most modern plasmas still have motion smoothing processing that causes the Soap Opera Effect on them as well.
This is how Panasonic explains its Cinema Smooth processing.
Delivered smooth process implementations by modifying procedures and providing training when changes were rolled out into production.
You had a very smooth process which enabled me to think through what I needed for my LinkedIn profile.
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