Sentences with phrase «smooth rotation»

They have a bearing that allow smooth rotation and speed.
Each model is made of stainless steel and equipped with solid R188 high - speed bearings in the center to ensure smooth rotation and maximum speed.
If I could end on a sweet note, that volume knob was a nice one, with smooth rotation and linear changes in volume level regardless of how quickly I twisted it about.
Easy, smooth rotation won't jostle product.
This spinner has been specifically balanced and weighted for a perfect, smooth rotation.
Figure 02: The «Moment 1» panel shows the change of velocity across the galaxy, indicating a smooth rotation, while «Moment 2» gives the spectral line's width, here showing a broad line toward the turbulent star - forming nuclear bar and more ordered motion in the arms themselves.
Smooth rotation is brought about by the steel ball bearing and due to this, there are minimal chances of injuries.
Rather than a smooth rotation of the steering wheel and tires, what I feel as I make those slight corrections at freeway speed is nothing, nothing, then too much.
Its four usage modes (laptop, stand, tent, and tablet) allow you to work, play, or watch in whatever way is most comfortable, and its improved watchband hinge offers a butter - smooth rotation, so you can flip and fold it into different modes with ease.
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