Sentences with phrase «smooth terrain»

So while the stroller provides good maneuverability, it performs best on smooth terrain and can be hard to push otherwise.
You'll find that this stroller is great for smoother terrains and can last for many years.
With smoother terrain, Carriacou is an ideal destination for walking.
I am looking for a stroller that we can gate check (I fly with carseats) that will last a while, and be able to handle hour swift long walks on mostly smooth terrain until I can put babe into the jogging stroller around 6 - 7 months for walks (while still using the new stroller for smaller spaces) and be easy to resell for a double if we have another baby.
Experienced runners prefer the fixed version because it is both safer and easier to roll over less smooth terrains, like beaches or cobblestone roads.
You can adjust the suspension system to make your baby comfortable during a particularly rough stroll, or you adjust the suspension system when strolling over smooth terrain
At the time of the image, the Martian south pole was experiencing a summer period but during the winter the ice mass would reach far into the surrounding smoother terrain.
The suspension system has two settings — one for rough, uneven terrains, and the other for smooth terrains.
Even when travelling at low speeds on smooth terrain, numerous Rhino rollover accidents have been reported that resulted in hundreds of serious injuries as well as many deaths.
This stroller is easily manageable on both rough and smooth terrains.
It's an extremely well designed practical off - roader for those who need a travel system that adapts to rough and smooth terrains.
The bot can clamber across rough and smooth terrain, aboveground and underwater, carrying up to...
The bot can clamber across rough and smooth terrain, aboveground and underwater, carrying up to five times its own weight.
«The most striking thing about this image is, we have not yet found a single impact crater on this region,» Spencer said, adding that the smooth terrain suggests it is much younger than the 4.5 - billion - year - old solar system.
Since the intent of the class was mindfulness and meditation rather than exercise, I chose flat, smooth terrain.
The Macan GTS also comes with an Off - Road mode in which the PASM system prepares the SUV for not - so - smooth terrain, but it's best that you opt for a different model if you're looking to venture on the unbeaten path.
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