Sentences with phrase «smooth trend»

On a longer time series, going back 140 years to when CO2 first starting increasing, temperatures are up about 0.6 C to 0.7 C (depending on how much you are smoothing the trends out and ignoring the significant decline over the past year.)
By the way, I calculate Loess smooth trends using the free Peltier Excel add - in.
Black line shows smoothed trend accounting for variation within a decade.
Again, the smooth trend (6 - mos average, in this case) in wage growth deserves a close look, and it shows remarkably little acceleration given the persistent tightness of the job market.
«Active Value Investing clearly highlights that the stock market is not a smooth trend; rather, it has periods of surge and stall.
When these previous strength data were plotted against the grain size in each study, all the data fit on a smooth trend which predicts lower - than - thought strengths in Earth's lithospheric mantle.
We can separate the variations into a smooth trend and the residual year - to - year fluctuations.
The basic function of a moving average is to smooth trends.
CO2 has increased in a smooth trend, hence it can obviously only explain the overall trend in the temperature data, but not any shorter - term variability around this trend.
We therefore pin the smooth trends together in 1990, not the annual values.
We can separate the variations into a smooth trend and the residual year - to - year fluctuations.
This sudden spike, he said, does not fit well with a greenhouse warming theory that would likely exhibit a smoother trend.
I don't know why you prefer to look at individual years and anomalies, those are artifacts of chaotic inter annual variability (weather), it is the smoothed trend that tells us what is going on with the climate.
The smooth trend curves plotted are fitted, providing a visual as to where sea level acceleration and deceleration have been, and indicate where they might be going.
When I look at your first chart, I note the recent volatility in the annual data and I honestly would not bet on either of those smoothed trends.
So, in order to see the smooth trends, relatively speaking, from a daily perspective or a weekend perspective, you just need to have a lot more volume.»
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