Sentences with phrase «snack bin»

There were days back then when I ate meals from my office snack bin and didn't see my kids at all.
A child in preschool might not notice receiving a «safe snack» from their snack bin; while an elementary child will wilt at the teacher giving them something different to eat.
Have a snack bin set up in the pantry and / or fridge for the kids to choose things like veggie straws, popcorn, fruit chews, cheese sticks, and dessert items.
I have a snack bin full of individually wrapped granola bars for my hungry boys to devour after school, my refrigerator holds little tubes of yogurt and string cheese for packing lunches, my dryer hums constantly after work drying loads of laundry I wish I had time to hang instead.
Have a snack bin full of healthy snacks that are all OK for kids to eat.
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