Sentences with phrase «snack controls blood sugar»

A protein - rich snack controls blood sugar levels, which keep you from having bad dreams that may wake you up at night.

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If it's too low, eat a small snack to help prevent hypoglycemia — dangerously low blood sugar, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends.
Making room for some healthy snacks in your diet can help you satisfy food cravings without adding unwanted pounds to your waistline, while keeping your blood sugar and insulin levels under control.
The report concluded that, to avoid panic - induced food cravings, we need to control our blood sugar levels by snacking on high carbohydrate foods every two hours to keep levels steady.
Sugary snack foods upset nutritional balances and moods, so, with our busy lifestyles, having the right healthy snack food on hand is vital.We all like to snack on foods, and snacking is important for many reasons, for example it will allow you to maintain a better blood sugar level between meals and it will assist in weight control as well.
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Controls blood sugar: It is low in GI and doesn't interfere with the blood sugar level, thus making it a snack fit for consumption of diabetic patients.
We all like to snack on foods, and snacking is important for many reasons, for example it will allow you to maintain a better blood sugar level between meals and it will assist in weight control as well.
Researchers concluded that adding fiber to commercially produced snack foods may improve blood sugar management and slower absorption of sugar may also improve appetite control.
Healthful snacking can, in fact, help you control blood - sugar levels, improve metabolism, help regulate stress, lower LDL cholesterol, burn more body fat, and increase energy levels without weight gain.
By choosing slow carbs for snacks, you help control both your blood sugar and your cravings between meals.
Snacks help maintain blood sugar levels and control appetite.
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