Sentences with word «snakepit»

Former governor David Paterson appointed Ward in 2008 to the executive directorship of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, the labyrnthine and notoriously awful - to - manage snakepit of a bistate authority that oversees the trains, airports, bridges and ports that make New York City run.
Rikers Island, never a garden spot, devolved into a seething snakepit after the mayor settled a federal suit in 2015 by effectively stripping corrections officers of the ability to maintain order in coherent, predictable ways.
That's a good thing, because if your work can't survive the peer - review snakepit you're most likely fooling yourself.
Orgeron, then a 43 - year - old defensive line coach at USC, had less than zero experience running a staff, a program, or an entire locker room, let alone interfacing with a snakepit of SEC boosters.
It had you jumping at shadows and ducking danger, and it giggled as you fumbled with its fat mass of button - presses and items, it snorted every time you accidentally fumbled your weapon into a snakepit.
Although not fatal to the science, they revealed a snakepit of scheming to keep contradictory research from being published, make imperfect data look better, and withhold information from unfriendly third parties.
Meanwhile, you've got Trish stirring up the snakepit of her past, and that's bringing up a lot of nature vs. nurture questions about who she is.
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