Sentences with phrase «sneaking up to your parents»

Not exact matches

Ask any pastor who fell from grace, ask any parenting expert that hollered at their kids this morning, ask any vegan sneaking cheese, ask any one who has ever drawn breath — we fail, we are do not live up to our own standards.
When we kissed the first time I asked if she was previously sexually active, she admitted she was with a man that boarded by her parents, she would wait at night when her parents, her sister, her grandmother, the domestic helper and 2 other borders were asleep and then she would sneak him up to her room and they would have sex, she did this for over two years.
The results of the study won't surprise any parent who's engaged in veggie - sneaking at home: up to a point, kids didn't detect the recipe change but once the amount of added pureé passed a certain threshold, kids started rejecting the entreé.
It's hard to imagine a parent who doesn't sneak a sideways glance now and then at a friend's baby or one she sees in the grocery store, checking to see how her own stacks up.
We just wanted to share that we recommend that parents keep their baby's arms down and not let them sneak out b / c this will become more important in the next 1 - 2 months as she starts accidentally whacking herself and waking herself up more often.
I misremembered this scene, for what it's worth, as Grace doing something wrong by sneaking out, but in fact her parents are not at all surprised to find her gone by the time they're up and around.
Saving for college can sneak up on parents who already have many other financial challenges like making monthly mortgage payments, building an emergency fund, and saving for retirement — not to mention the daily costs that come with raising children.
A couple weeks ago, I showed you a sneak peek of this guy...... and told you about our plan to make over the back porch at Kev's parents house... which looked like this: Well, I'm happy to report that we finished everything up last Friday, and here's a little video of the reveal and their reactions... It was -LSB-...]
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