Sentences with phrase «sneer at anyone»

These authors sneer at anyone who hasn't «proven» themselves the same way they did.
It's a fact, Robert, that many scientists will sneer at anyone who makes statements that are known to be incorrect.
You always sneer at anyone that talks sense and accuse them of being an AKB.

Not exact matches

It's easy to sneer at middle class London Remainers, but their votes count as much as anyone else's - and the mood music from the Tories is that they can't be bothered to fight for them.
Hydrocracker's new production of Harold Pinter's The New World Order is a strong riposte to anyone who has ever doubted the necessity of Shakespeare's epilogues or sneered at people fainting during Titus Andronicus.
And because I believe the pie is one hell of a lot bigger than traditional publishers or agents think it is, I will support and encourage you or anyone else who wants to give it a go and not sneer at them because they weren't traditionally published.
As anyone can see, the article is about politics, bias, confirmation bias, groupthink, dogma, prejudice, the stubborn refusal of the left to accept data on IQ studies, sneering and smearing (see ATTP's latest childish sneer / smear at the Conversation).
Or is anyone who disagrees with Connolley simply to be sneered at as some inferior?
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