Sentences with phrase «sniffled into»

Mrs Weasley sniffled into an oversized hanky.
A late night at the movies may be the stress that turns the sniffles into a full - blown cold, when a short video at home, early bedtime and big glass of orange juice would've nipped it in the bud.

Not exact matches

[sniffle, sniffle] I'm really afraid I'm going to be terrible dad [and I dissolve into tears].»
I've created three perfect recipes to help you move into the light and sunny days of summer, sniffle - free.
They form the foundation of later visual motor skills like completing puzzles in preschool, writing his name in elementary school, and efficiently packing everything he owns into a tiny hatchback when he goes off to college (* sniffle, sniffle *).
A little sniffle can turn into a double ear infection, or need nebulizer treatment, both of which you won't know they have because you aren't a doctor.
But if I left him alone, his cries would never turn into wails or screams, but would instead decelerate into sniffles, then some low whining, then silence.
Aside from washing your hands, when you have the sniffles and have to sneeze, sneeze into your elbow to avoid the spread of your sick germs.
Those healthy salt ions were getting up into my nasal passages and opening the floodgates of backed - up allergy mucus I'd been sniffling back up for months.
At the first sign of sniffles or sore throat, I spray this directly into the throat.
Being around so many children, it's inevitable that there will be colds and flus and even more sinister illnesses going around, so give your child the best chance they can at skipping those sniffles by introducing probiotics into their life.
I LOVE making my own healthful chicken soup when any of us start into a sniffle or sneeze!
Integrating these 7 cold - fighting foods into your regular dietary rotation can help you prevent those inconvenient colds and flus, and help you recover more quickly if you do happen to succumb to the sniffles.
Similarly, while it didn't work all that well for me, Tony comforting Peter as he dissolved into nothingness provoked sniffles in quite a few folks around me.
Every audience sniffle and tear has been taken into account.
to turn the audience into a bucket of sniffles and make collateral money for Kimberly - Clark, the makers of Kleenex.
The animal companions we bring into our homes are kept safe from predators who might eat them, they get to eat every single day (and often multiple times a day), they rarely have to tolerate rain, snow, or extreme heat, and they receive immediate veterinary care as soon as they start to sniffle.
We all know what happens when a kid with a cold walks into kindergarten: In no time, everyone in the class has a case of the sniffles.
(and this is probably what I wanted to hear more than anything) They are taking active steps to keep the flu from spreading on the chance it got into their kennel (daily disinfecting common areas, watching out for dog sniffles, etc).
There are a ton of classic games out there where a laughable case of the sniffles turns into a serious case of the human munchies, or a top - secret, cool sounding experiment goes terribly wrong (becaus...
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