Sentences with phrase «snippy if»

Be aware that these sites don't promise you promotion, so don't get snippy if your ebook doesn't appear.

Not exact matches

Watch out if «you're snippy with your spouse, your kids or your co-workers,» she writes.
I apologize if I've gotten snippy with some of you guys today.
But his mood turned snippy when a reporter asked if CompStat's reliance on numbers promoted ticket quotas.
I, just as snippy now, inform her that I filled out ONE IBR request on, and I did NOT indicate my spouse had student loans, and AES managed to get their job done in a timely fashion without any such delays, so if there is something stating my spouse has loans, it's because Fed Loan Servicing screwed up.
Everytime I call her to ask her how its going (and I only call once a week) she gets snippy and says that SHE will call ME if she finds out anything.
At first, Leonidas wasn't exactly a model patient (we'd get snippy too if people were constantly poking us with needles), but he showed that he's a scrapper.
He is a bright dog, though, and if left to his own devices, could become snippy or destructive.
He is very shy and can be a bit snippy (if you had known only fear and danger, and were tiny, and only had a mouth, you'd probably be inclined to use it).
If you have noticed that your older dog tends to get snippy or plain out nasty with your younger dogs this may be because he is not strong enough to keep up anymore and just does not want to be bothered.
If you can not restrain yourself from making snippy comments, let the program work for you.
Now when you're tapping out a comment, And you ain't bein» P.C., You better jolly well consider, The Comment Policy, And if you get a snippy e-mail, No matter what befalls, Don't try to argue your opinion, Or you're in trouble with Lee Rawles
It won't cover your personal belongings or your liability if, for example, your dog gets snippy with the mailman.
While smallish snippy comments such as, «Dad never remembers to clean up his mess» may not seem to have the same impact that more intense talk does — such as, «Your mother is a terrible person and a bad parent» — either type of speech can damage relationships and make him wonder if those sentiments carry over to him, too.
If you feel like you and your partner are caught in a vicious cycle of snippy comments and pointing fingers, then this is the relationship goal that will transform your marriage.
If you are short tempered, rude and snippy, your partner doesn't enjoy being around you.
This way, they can support you by nixing that afternoon coffee invite, and they'll understand if you're a bit groggy or snippy for the first few days.
I wonder if my comment came across as snippy?
If you've played nicely and the blessing still feels snippy, then I'd advise you to associate with a more civilized crowd.
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