Sentences with phrase «snoring while»

Find out about the possible reasons for dog snoring while awake and see what you can do to stop the snoring.
If your dog starts snoring while awake, you should visit the vet to find out the possible cause.
They also have a tendency of snoring while asleep.
It is not difficult to see his fascination for Robert Mitchum, whose life and career he remembers by heart; but then he can also recount to you in the same breathe how Gary Cooper, supine on a mountain ledge, dozed off and started snoring while Richard Widmark was still talking to him as the two awaited the cameras to be set for the shooting of Henry Hathaway's 1954 western The Garden of Evil.
Of course the downside of this combination is he's often sound asleep and snoring while I'm staring at the ceiling and listening to what sounds like a bear running a chainsaw while riding a motorcycle on the other side of the bed.
Though I should have been sleeping, I sat in the big chair across the room and listened to her and my husband quietly huff and snore while I got to the business of setting goals and planning the coming year in the way that I had intended in the days before she surprised us with her entrance.
my dog is four years old and is a three quarter yorkie one quarter shi tzu mix... She has always snored while sleeping and when she sets really excited she will start honking so we pinch her nose for a second or two and it stops..
Tumors located in the nasal cavity may cause the dog to snore while he is awake.
A dog with a respiratory infection may snore while awake.
When the recliner is absent, the oversized (3XL) adjacent seatmate who can gurgle and snore while sitting upright will appear.

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So Evelynn is simply along for the ride of the day — either in the Ergo while we run around or waiting patiently on the floor during her «bare bum time» or in her little baby swing, snoring away in the chaos.
Secondly, co-sleeping usually works for me, but when I wake myself up SNORING approximately FIVE HUNDRED TIMES in one night because of a stuffy nose (why yes, that was last night, thank you), while my little girl sleeps like a... well, a BABY with her little arms over her head, it can be amusingly frustrating.
While sleeping in the initial few weeks of their lives, babies make all sorts of different noises, such as snoring, snuffling and whistling.
In rare cases, snoring sound is made when your baby is in the deepest stage of sleeping, in which their throat muscles are so relaxed that they make snoring sound while breathing.
She woke up each and every morning with a smile and spent her days playing, instead of trying to catch up on the sleep she missed while two adults snored and tossed and wiggled around her.
While most children suffer no structural problems, they are possible contributors to chronic snoring issues in children.
Listen to your baby — listen to your child while he or she is nursing: snoring, grunting, or other noises can be an indicator of distressed breathing, and you should unlatch and reposition if these things occur, or if you visually notice an obstructed airway for any reason, or that baby's chin has fallen to his or her chest.
The SmartMotion base can track sleep duration, REM sleep, awake time, and light, while also auto adjusting, providing responsive snoring relief and even a massage.
While some children with sleep problems do «outgrow» them as they mature, sleep related symptoms — like difficulty falling or staying asleep, daytime sleepiness and snoring — can be persistent and troublesome.
The most common in children include multiple nighttime awakenings, snoring, trouble breathing, and loud or heavy breathing while sleeping.
If you have ever suffered with sleep problems you will agree that there is nothing quite as painful as climbing into bed and lying awake for half the night, tossing and turning while the rest of the world (including your snoring husband) are fast asleep.
There are body pillows that are meant for pregnant women while others are meant for people who want to avoid snoring or eliminate back pains.
Some of the most commons signs are restless sleeping (e.g, sheets moved all over the place, falling out of bed), loud breathing or snoring, and sweating while sleeping (often in the head).
Watch for snoring, long pauses between breaths, or trouble breathing while he's asleep.
If your toddler snores or has pauses in his breathing while he sleeps, in combination with sweating, talk with his doctor to rule out sleep apnea.
If your baby occasionally snores or makes snorting sounds while he's sleeping, it's probably nothing to worry about.
We routinely manage to extract the wakeful twin while his brother snores on.
A new study has found that reducing obstructive sleep apnea (where patients have difficulty in breathing while asleep - often associated with loud snoring) can reduce the need to get up and pee at night (nocturia).
But one morning while Ava napped, I sat alone in the ranch house, surrounded by toys and blankets and diapers, next to a baby monitor rumbling with gentle snores, and I opened an email from my brother.
Benefits of CPAP include keeping your airways open while you sleep, easing snoring, improving sleep quality, relieving daytime sleepiness, and lowering blood pressure.
I first noticed feelings of resentment when I was eight months pregnant and experiencing all sorts of discomforts while my husband slept (and by slept, I mean snored) soundly through the night.
While stomach sleeping can ease snoring and prevent sleep apnea in some cases, there aren't many benefits associated with sleeping on your tummy.
While this is good for easing snoring, it's bad for practically everything else.
I think I need a sick day to binge watch all of these great movies that Bret has already checked off the list while I snore next to him.
Really the only reason I'm considering upgrading from my mini (which I adore) is the front light feature as I use it a lot when travelling and while my husband is happily snoring next to me so I'd love to be able to keep using it with minimum disturbance to others!
While everyone is still snoring or hitting their snooze button, early risers are out and about.
While snoring isn't commonly found in felines, it's generally considered as a harmless sleep habit.
But if a dog squeaks, rattles, snores or makes other unusual sounds while breathing, a break is probably warranted, he said.
«While snoring can be normal in some dogs — my Dobermans would saw logs when they were «dog» tired — it can also be an early sign something isn't right,» says Kwane Stewart, D.V.M., chief veterinary officer of the American Humane Association.
While that may be an endearing quality to many people, the snoring is a result of the animal struggling to breathe.
From snoring and snorting while asleep, to making little chirpy noises when dreaming, to responding with a weird «MRUMMMP» noise whenever you disturb one of their many naps, these guys are just comfortable being in their own skin.
She is healthy but she's been snoring and / or breathing heavy while asleep for about the past year.
While snoring and snorting are seen as normal they are signs of problems and respiratory distress.
This beautiful English Bulldog is taking a nap... While he was snoring, his owner noticed the funny noises he makes and recorded it!
While it may seem cute that your dog snores like a lumberjack it can cause problems for the dog.
I am the only one attending, so the rest of the crew will most likely make snoring noises and harass me while I talk on, and on, and on.
Lots of people snore, but if you suffer from sleep apnea, your breathing stops and starts repeatedly while you sleep.
After all, people don't learn much while they're snoring.
A gallery wall of old mirrors hangs beside the dresser, and the sconces keep it dim and cozy for reading at bedtime while @btnapier snores
I found this sad gal one morning while everyone was still snoring.
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