Sentences with phrase «snorting coke»

That is, if perfect timing means watching a person snort coke.
Without giving anything away (buy the book, seriously), there's prank - calling Julia Child, run - ins with the Whitey Bulger gang, snorting coke through penne noodles, and that's just the first half.
People who snort coke may have contributed to the landslide that devastated the town of Mocoa in Colombia, killing hundreds
The party begins as a cliched party we've seen several times as characters snort coke, get drunk, and have a botched dance number.
But still, the director frames it all with some intimacy, sharing scenes like the climactic house party where Roger snorts coke to try and fit in with his young niece and her friends.
Silence is such a brutal watch I left the theater pining for them good old days of Leo snorting coke off of Margot Robbie's chest.
That Premiere staff is really more busy snorting coke than watching and pondering movies.
«Guess who got sent to rehab for snorting coke
Still, I doubt someone would launch an investigation to tie you (somehow) about smoking a joint, doing acid or snorting coke at some point in your life.
Toronto - born journalist Guy Lawson's new book, Octopus (Crown), tells the thrilling tale of Israel's fraud, capturing the trader's growing sense of claustrophobia as he snorts coke, works the angles and gets more and more entangled in his own lies.
By the way, 2 of these 3 gentlemen are dead) you have characters like John McAfee of McAfee Antivirus and killing your neighbor in Belize notoriety making YouTube videos of himself snorting coke with hookers and guns whilst CEO of a publicly traded company with big Bitcoin investments.
Maclin came back home from College to help him, but all Chip wanted to do was snort coke and talk emotional intelligence.
You've got these 5 horny dudes who go on a bachelor party escapade in Vegas, get piss drunk, snort coke, and hire a hooker... That's when a, urh, accident happens and the prostitute ends up on the bathroom floor in a pool of her own blood.
Grandpa (Alan Arkin) snorts coke and swears, and their teenage son Dwayne (Paul Dano) won't speak at all.
Charged with finding the murderer of a Japanese student, Bruce sets about the task in his usual way: snorting coke, shagging his mate Clifford's (Marsan) missus and phoning her up to make abusive prank calls.
Yes, Blake Lively's hippie - ish character, O, is prone to snorting coke, but that's not exactly the sort of candy this glossy collage appears to promise.
Snorting coke, bashing gays, extorting a 14 - year - old for a blow job, Bruce still aspires to the rank of inspector.
The life she keeps under wraps (she snorts coke and watches her boyfriend ejaculate onto petit fours) is clearly driving her nuts.
horrendous blog she writes, snort coke and listen to Slayer there's nothing remotely funny about this travesty of a film.
Back in New York, he snorts coke on an eight - day blitzkrieg to finish the book's write - up (on time, no less).
We then rewind back to origin story behind our man in the rabbit mask — a man named Chris, who's your typical eighties dude: spending his time playing air hockey, renting videos and snorting coke!
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