Sentences with phrase «snow flurries falling»

Not exact matches

Despite the cool weather and the occasional snow flurries this month and last, the snow drops and crocuses I planted in the fall are already coming up and a few winter violets are still holding on.
There were light flurries of snow falling, and it gave this very monochrome place a sense of being inside a snow globe.
Usually, the first snow in Chicago is a little flurry fall, so having a heavy first snowfall was crazy!
Adam Mysock's works, all the size of paperback books, are painstaking copies of canonical American paintings — the only difference being the addition of a snow globe - like flurry of white falling from impossible places in the canvas.
Throughout the book, there is a cinematic aspect to both the look and subject matter of these paintings, eerily projected onto dreamlike surfaces: The snow flurry of Milky Way (1989 - 90) could be falling stars; the dripping palm tree of Grande Riviere (2001 - 2) could be Doig's paint still waiting to dry.
Online weather forums have been in a flurry of activity for weeks, discussing the possibility of snow falling in the UK this December.
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