Sentences with phrase «snow melting into»

The months of rain and snow melting into Lake Erie has swelled its water level to the highest level since 1998, and a new U.S. Corps of Engineers» forecast projects the lake will remain 4 to 9 inches above average through November.
The snow melted into mud before the following day's men's 11.48 - km race.
One cubic foot of snow melts into gallons of water.

Not exact matches

Over the hills, the vales, the cities, rage the red flames fierce: The Heavens melted from north to south: and Urizen, who sat Above all heavens, in thunders wrap'd, emerg'd his leprous head From out his holy shrine, his tears in deluge piteous Falling into the deep sublime: flag'd with grey - brow'd snows And thunderous visages, his jealous wings wav'd over the deep; Weeping in dismal howling woe, he dark descended, howling Around the smitten bands, clothed in tears & trembling, shudd» ring cold.
The snow on the roof window has finally melted and it was time to dip my hands into the dough again.
Miles mounted a daily watch on the pile of poisoned meat, and twice within two weeks he saw snow cover the carcasses and then melt into the watershed.
As soon as the baking sheet my three year old was using got a little fun of coloured water and melted snow, I would dump it into the sink and let her start fresh with a new cookie cutter.
The key to having the snow last inside without melting into a puddle of water in 5 minutes is to pack lots of snow on the baking sheet.
All three municipalities are under consent orders to fix aged and inadequate wastewater systems that often discharge raw, or partially treated, sewage into area creeks and streams during heavy rains or rapid snow melts.
EPA Regional Director Judith Enck says every year heavy rains and heavy snow melt overwhelm the system causing nearly two billion gallons of raw sewage to flow directly into the Niagara River.
Debris left on roadsides is often washed by rain and melted snow into local waterways through storm drains or blown directly into streams and lakes.
ROSS ICE SHELF, ANTARCTICA — Any day now, a team of 40 scientists and support personnel expects to begin shoveling ice and snow into a melting bin.
Each spring in the Arctic, the freshet — flooding triggered by melting snow — washes vast amounts of carbon - rich soil from the land into the water — both fresh water and the ocean.
The ice sheet is made up of snow that falls and never melts, but rather remains year after year and is gradually compressed into ice.
It would push into the snow, melt it and keep pushing through.
UK211 underwent many changes, but the one that immediately preceded its sudden demise was the melting of snow that transformed the berg's surface into waterlogged slush.
When the researchers took density of snow into account, they found that ice shelves lost about five times more ice by submarine melting than they gained from new surface snowpack.
A strong sun will melt surface snow, which then refreezes at night into an icy crust, off of which the next layer of snow can easily slip.
The camera could be aimed at a marked pole driven into the berg to show how quickly the snow level dropped as the result of melting.
«Generally, snow reflects about three - quarters of the sun's radiation back into the air, so it's actually really hard for the sun to melt a snowbank,» said Boreyko.
Black carbon aerosols — particles of carbon that rise into the atmosphere when biomass, agricultural waste, and fossil fuels are burned in an incomplete way — are important for understanding climate change, as they absorb sunlight, leading to higher atmospheric temperatures, and can also coat Arctic snow with a darker layer, reducing its reflectivity and leading to increased melting.
Researchers used two methods to track groundwater levels, traditional water balance estimates — which take into account surface water inflow like rainfall and snow melt, soil moisture capacity and evapotranspiration — and data from NASA's twin satellite system called GRACE (Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment).
Nearly all water needed to supply cities, farms, and industry accumulates as snow in nearby or distant mountain ranges melts and runs down into rivers used to irrigate crops, sustains fish and wildlife, and quenches...
But because spring now comes sooner, says Daniel Cayan of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography in La Jolla, the snow is already melting days to weeks earlier — and could start running off uselessly into the sea instead of being available when the state needs it most.
Snow on the glaciers is melting, causing more water to flow into valley, and this means more water for irrigation.
At those times, snows from previous winters do not melt completely, eventually accumulating into miles - thick ice sheets.
The ice sheet is made up of annual layers of snow that never melted and became compacted into ice over thousands of years.
Left unchecked, the haze could absorb solar radiation, warming the Arctic and in turn aggravating global warming by melting the ice and snow that reflect some of the Sun's rays back into space.
That thinner layer of snow will be less likely to last into the late spring and early summer, when melting rates are highest.
Incessant mountain rain, snow and melting glaciers in a comparatively small region of land that hugs the southern Alaska coast and empties fresh water into the Gulf of Alaska would create the sixth largest coastal river in the world if it emerged as a single stream, a recent study shows.
Most importantly, it's when the Mississippi River starts shipping into the Gulf huge amounts of nutrient - filled water from melting snow and ice throughout its basin.
Mysterious under - snow lakes pockmarking its edges and deep layers of ice at higher elevations both point to changes that could hasten melt and send water cascading into the ocean, pushing global sea levels ever higher.
«Snow typically hangs around and melts and provides that moisture source into even July,» Abatzoglou said.
The 2012 melt season, according to the National Snow and Ice Data Center, experienced melting even at mountainous heights over a mile into the sky atop Greenland.
Your metabolism will kick into high gear, and you'll watch body fat melt away like snow under a heat lamp.
I longed for the snow to melt and trickle across the fields and into the ditches, so we could pretend to be engineers and build dams.
I got it into my head that I HAD to build a snowman before the snow melted (which wasn't happening anytime soon).
(Although snow melting has its downsides too... our gutted bathroom has been experiencing a light shower through the ceiling into some buckets).
The lotion melts into skin like snow, giving you hydrated and supple skin.
As the snow melts and the temps are warm up a bit, this is the time when many runners are intensifying their training in order to get into peak condition for spring and summer races.
This snow will turned into ice and icicles when it melts.
However, bootcut jeans may catch snow which melts when going inside, while the skinnies being in the boots don't get into contact with the snow.
With recent snow and ice, we were prepared for the cold... but I was less prepared for warmer temps melting everything into a muddy mess.
Longer days are starting, the snow has melted and the temperature is slowly climbing into plus digits.
Also, most of the increase Year on Year for the full year has melted like snow in the hot Summer sun: 2017 sales are only 1 000 units ahead of 2016 sales... and that's without taking into account the Pokémon Nintendo 2DS bundles (about 100 000 units, not tracked).
When the acid spill onto the killer, he melts into the snow and voila, we have a killer snowman!
Using the horn that the Snowmads left behind, Donkey Kong blows into it, melting all of the snow and ice, and returning Donkey Kong Island back to normal.
The snow is melting, your Christmas debt has (hopefully) been (mostly) paid off, and the stench from the dreck the studios farted into your local cineplex during the first two months of the year has largely evaporated.
As temperatures warm and snow melts, educators search for ways to invite new growth into their classrooms.
When I get into it after a cold night and turn on the defrost it melts all the ice and snow off!
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