Sentences with word «snus»

As you say, this is likely linked to 18 per cent of Swedish men using snus as a smoking substitute.
They speculated that promoting other tobacco products, such as snus, as safer may not encourage smokers to switch products but instead encourage new product uptake for both smokers and nonsmokers.
They use snus instead, which is banned elsewhere in Europe.
Swedish snus, also called moist snuff, is a finely ground, moistened smokeless tobacco product, placed in a lump or tea - bag - like portion between the lip and the gum.
The newly discovered relationship between snus and cornulin levels was completely independent of whether or not the participants were smokers.
The manufacturer sought to replace the statement on snus packaging, «WARNING: This product is not a safe alternative to cigarettes,» with one reading, «WARNING: No tobacco product is safe, but this product presents substantially lower risks to health than cigarettes.»
50 % of respondents said that methanol cigarettes, hookah, cigars, smokeless tobacco, and snus were about as risky as cigarettes.
Umeå, Sweden (Scicasts)-- People who use moist snuff «snus» have significantly higher levels of the protein cornulin in their blood than non-snusers.
In ingredients it is similar to the smokeless tobacco «snus» that is so popular in Northern Europe.
The FDA denied the request, stating that the amended warning label «asserts a substantial reduction in risks, which may not accurately convey the risks of [snus] to consumers» — even though it agreed that snus «substantially reduce the risks of some, but not all, tobacco - related diseases.»
In 2015, for example, the TPSAC expressed concerns about consumer confusion in an application to market «snus» (a smokeless tobacco product placed between the lip and gum) as a safer alternative to cigarettes.
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