Sentences with phrase «so archaic»

No exaggeration, the tools they use are so archaic that college students rank the value of most campus career centers lower than the parking lot.
They may be extremely intellectually interesting, crafted by the finest minds (though everything I read tells me that they are more thrown together like a heap of junk and that its a miracle if they can be run twice without major realtime surgery becuase the coding and methods are so archaic) and beautiful in their elegance.
Switching discs and carts seems so archaic to me now.
It seems to be the way of the world that new car buyers increasingly want their car tech to rival their best home tech, so we archaic flat - earthers will just have to get used to it and fall in line.
«Baggage Claim» is so archaic in its depiction of feminine self - worth - and, frankly, so insulting - it's amazing that it's coming out in 2013, not 1963.
Proponents of the PhyloCode say the old system, originally developed by Swedish botanist Carolus Linnaeus before Darwin discovered natural selection, is so archaic that every taxonomic grouping needs to be redefined.
Our children will find it so archaic to hear about how we communicated through phones attached to the wall and that we were lucky if we had a long stretchy cord that allowed us to walk around the room while we gabbed.

Not exact matches

Unlike dropped calls, archaic enterprise software is so damaging that it can cost companies countless hours of lost productivity, lose them valuable employees, and even cause their gradual decline.
Just as we no longer have a code for the proper treatment of slaves, even though it's laid out specifically in the Bible, so we no longer adhere to other archaic thinking and traditions.
I am not saying the church can stop a person from making bad decisions, but the church, despite its flaws, can help us grow and find wisdom without so much reliance on the school of hard knocks (an archaic term used often by my father).
I grew up with the KJV, so I've never been uncomfortable with the archaic language.
I can not believe so many people try to run their lives by an archaic book that has nothing to do with today.
Quite to the contrary, as Mircea Eliade has so skillfully shown us, a major effort of the archaic narrative vision was precisely to exclude the new from the story.
The prayer is kind of written in an archaic style, so he even went through the prayer line by line to teach us what the words meant.
Moreover, he goes on to praise the ancient Latin orations for giving «an other - worldly, superhuman atmosphere through their sense of age and mystery», which rather suggests that he was neither as favourable towards a vernacular Mass, nor as opposed to the use of «archaic language», as Fr Hill so confidently declares.
So maybe if we want to communicate the message of Jesus we have to get away from archaic terms like gospel which have become traditional» buzz words «or theological jargon devoid of precise meaning and make anew the original intent which was about an announcement of the coming of God's Kingdom and all that that implies.
Nothing so clearly unveils Hegel's system as an apocalyptic system as does this ending, but such an ultimate ending is unique to apocalypticism, for even if it parallels archaic visions of eternal return, it wholly differs from all primordial vision in knowing an absolute and final ending, an ending which is apocalypse itself.
Virginity past 18 is very rare, and rather than spend so much energy denying that and hiding behind archaic beliefs, they need to educate their kids in how to protect themselves.
So he can help us to recognize the archaic experience of the sacred, no matter what arena it is manifested in.
He thought of it while he was swallowing a snake, and he was utterly horrified, thinking of coming back to Germany again and again and again, having to write over and over all those books that have to be in archaic English, even though he was not archaic himself, since he was so contemporary and wholly relevant.
So Altizer lays out the problems raised for him by the death of God in terms of the sacred and the profane, and this enables him to make interesting use of Eliade's studies of the meaning of the sacred in archaic and modern religion.
Definition of Ahteism: 1: archaic: ungodliness, wickedness 2a: a disbelief in the existence of deity b: the doctrine that there is no deity So no Satanic worshipers are not atheist.
The church conceived as it is in I Peter as «a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation» would have to be regarded as a sacerdotal throwback, a repristinization of an archaic vision that Western civilization has consumed and digested — drawing from it nourishment for altogether new purposes: Thus, as the command «fill the earth and subdue it» (Gen. 1:28) helped inspire Western civilization to create science and technology, so Jesus» celebration of love has been culturally recombined with the materialism of the Bible to produce the vital hedonism of our civilization.
Monreal improved last season 2015/16 and cubbed his archaic Carragher - like style of one - on - one defending but so far this season he is same as 2 seasons ago 2014/15.
Yeah, from a real and archaic point of view, you're so right, but now we need a new philosophy, not Arsene's anymore..
please he's either with an Archaic mentality or so Dogmatic.
When the English translators of the King James version of the Bible encountered the Hebrew words hupakouo / hupakoe and shema / lishmoa they discovered that there wasn't an exact English equivalent, so they chose the word hearken in their translations which subsequently became an archaic term and was later changed to obey.24 So, what exactly do the original words in the Bible measo they chose the word hearken in their translations which subsequently became an archaic term and was later changed to obey.24 So, what exactly do the original words in the Bible meaSo, what exactly do the original words in the Bible mean?
It's too bad so many have clung to their mistaken and archaic beliefs.
Monarchy: Throughout much of the Bronze Age / Dark Age / Archaic / Classical and beyond period (including the Roman Empire which is a defacto complex monarchy), there were always monarchies, so this is quite relevant in understanding what / why / how government worked from a day in day out basis.
In doing so, Macmillan pays specific attention to the role of concepts such as honour and masculinity and the overarching interaction between these archaic codes of behaviour and the social changes occurring at that time: «As Europe went through its rapid social changes in the last part of the nineteenth century, honour became both an attribute that the old landowning classes could cling to with increasing determination as something that distinguished them from the newly prosperous middle classes and, for the socially ambitious, a mark of a higher and better social status.»
So while the archaic and peculiar status quo of British representative democracy was enforced, the grip of the traditional Westminster parties loosened, if it didn't break.
Early voting as allowed by 37 other states, reform of New York's archaic election laws, allowing victims of sexual abuse cases to reopen their cases and sue their abusers, common sense reforms to New York's gun laws, so many issues on the table that need to be addressed.
«New York continually ranks low for voter turn - out — and that's not because people don't want to vote, it's because our archaic laws restrict us from doing so.
Intermixing does not surprise paleoanthropologists who have long argued on the basis of fossils that archaic humans, such as the Neandertals in Eurasia and Homo erectus in East Asia, mated with early moderns and can be counted among our ancestors — the so - called multiregional evolution theory of modern human origins.
What, for instance, is their relationship to other populations of so - called archaic sapiens?
And so they appear to refute the idea that modern humans came out of Africa, spread around the world, and completely replaced the archaic humans they met.
The discovery is resetting what we know about so - called «archaic» humans and the dramatic extent to...
«40 On the same page Flood acknowledges that all of these robust or «primitive» people are definitely Homo sapiens, despite their possession of so many archaic features.
Doubts on the authenticity of the available sequences have so far hampered genetic comparisons between anatomically archaic (Neandertal) and early modern (Cro - Magnoid) Europeans.
He argues that it is impossible for anyone to use the word sin anymore, because it is so indelibly linked to an archaic judgementalism.
The story and writing is so strong that I easily forgot about the archaic graphics and even more primitive battle engine.
But nevertheless, this movie is so wonderfully archaic and reminiscent of 1950s alien invasion stories that one can not help but like it - despite rather lackluster directing.
And though Harryhausen's advances may now seem archaic, remember this: so was the fable at the heart of the film.
In the digital age we live in, going back to learning times tables by rote seems like an archaic form of learning, which is likely to be difficult for the already stretched teaching profession, so coming up with enjoyable paths of learning for both the educator and the student is more than likely the best option.
So, it's a given that existing training programs become archaic and are superseded by the need for new ones.
Every American leader with any sphere of influence in whatever walk of life should see the recent ABC television report by John Stossel entitled «Stupid in America», a scathing expose of the irrational perversity that is so deeply imbedded in the American public school system and the severe damage that this archaic culture and delivery -LSB-...]
Teachers seem so intent on having their profession as a whole treated «fairly», yet the institutionalize archaic unfair treatment within it relative to newer teachers.
What is wrong with Toyota, why follow a maker like BMW whose FR - Layout is outdated, archaic and a fail since the E85 (I've owned 5 BMW's, so I have a remote clue).
I know better than to fuss with the WRX's archaic infotainment touchscreen while driving, so I go through the motions of connecting her phone via Bluetooth before we set off.
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