Sentences with phrase «so as a rule of thumb»

This may differ slightly if your milk takes longer to «come in», so as a rule of thumb if you are still producing colostrum 1 - 2 wet nappies is ok.
For many dogs it will be the first introduction to preservative - free whole food so as a rule of thumb, go slow, as there is no need to rush the transition.
Most of Thailand's beach resorts are in the south of the country, so as a rule of thumb you can base your decision of when to travel on the southern climate patterns.

Not exact matches

As a rule of thumb, your users / customers should spend the least amount of time possible trying to use your product or service, so they can spend the majority of their time enjoying it.
As a rule of thumb any sudden spike in traffic in either direction is bad news, and so the service should be avoided.
NO, I wasn't there so the only «facts» I know are what is written in this article but as a rule - of - thumb discussions regarding political views, religion, etc are best left out of the office.
3) My preference is for pastels, rather than really strong colours, and the rule of thumb I use is to add enough to get it to the colour I want, then add about as much again, bearing in mind you're adding so much white.
As a rule of thumb, fresh delicate herbs won't tolerate the long stint at high temps in the oven, so it's best to «finish» the dish once the vegetables have been removed from the oven and are being served with a sprinkle of the freshly chopped parsley, cilantro, basil, mint, etc..
One rule of thumb is to avoid Chinese capacitors at all costs, I wonder if the Chinese military relies on homegrown caps or if they outsource that to Taiwan and Japan... As silly as that may sound an actual war could easily hinge on something so sillAs silly as that may sound an actual war could easily hinge on something so sillas that may sound an actual war could easily hinge on something so silly.
You will have alcohol in your milk as long as you have it in your blood, so you should follow the same rule of thumb as you would for deciding if it is safe to drive after drinking.
There's a rule of thumb if you can not pronounce the ingredients odds are good that that product is not good for your baby or you so definitely I encourage parents try and go non-toxic as possible.
A good rule of thumb is to introduce new foods to your baby one food at a time, and preferably one every two days or so while you watch for reactions and allergy signs such as sneezing, runny nose, a rash, or a change in stool.
So, the old rule of thumb for recruiting via social networks still applies: move those people onto your email list as fast as you can get them to sign a petition.
So before we all stampede straight off to talking about specific tools like usual, let's think instead for a minute about some basic guidelines — rules of thumb which can apply equally whether we're working on behalf of a candidate or a cause, and that'll stay relevant as technology evolves.
As per the rule of thumb, 80 - 90 % of campaign money is normally spent on media, I don't think so.
So that's my rule of thumb: a change in Tory support, up or down, by less than 5 %, can't be declared as «real» as it could just as easily be sampling variability.
«As a general rule of thumb, aim to drink at least your body weight number in ounces of water each day (so a 140 - pound woman should drink 140 ounces).
As a general rule of thumb, by the time you start to feel thirsty you're already dehydrated so always carry a drink with you.
So I try to eat less carbs in the evening as a rule of thumb.
As a general rule of thumb, your jeans MUST graze the ground for that long - and - lean look, so flats are typically a no - go.
Emily explains, «aromatics and flavors are suppressed the colder a wine is, and so the typical rule of thumb would be as you move from a light and crisp wine all the way up to a more full - bodied wine, you increase the temperature at which you serve it.
So a good rule of thumb is to use marriage as a yardstick: while a boyfriend should not «lead» his girlfriend or potential partner to the level of a husband and wife — which is to say he is not yet charged by God to lead, cover, provide and protect — he can absolutely encourage her already present devotion and natural gifts.
Although one could cite a few examples here and there that contradict this rule (Wizard of Oz is perhaps the most popular), I wouldn't cite Enduring Love as one of those exceptions, although it is ironic that Ebert, the man who has pushed forward this rule for so many years, would contradict it by giving this film the «thumbs up».
As a rule of thumb, every point of compression is worth approximately 3 % change in horsepower, so that alone would not make up the 7 % difference.
Thus, as a simple rule of thumb, if you are in poor health or heredity is against you and so you don't anticipate living a long time after retirement, start your Social Security benefits early.
As a simply rule of thumb, lower APR generally indicates lower cost for a credit card holder so long as they are up - to - date on their paymentAs a simply rule of thumb, lower APR generally indicates lower cost for a credit card holder so long as they are up - to - date on their paymentas they are up - to - date on their payments.
As a rule of thumb, you should wait until the cash is at least 1 % of the portfolio's balance — so if you have $ 100,000, you can make your first purchase when you've accumulated $ 1,000.
As a rule of thumb, people in the industry make it sound more complicated than it is so you feel the need to pay for their advice.
Well, as you said, all of the rules of thumb that get thrown out there are pretty wild speculation and don't really address anyone's personal situation, so they aren't worth much.
As a rule of thumb, limit this search to a short, two - week period so you don't harm your credit with multiple inquiries.
So I divide my $ 30,000 by 4 % just as a quick rule of thumb, and I get something like $ 750,000.
Many raw feeders generally feed one meal a day so that the dog can get as big of a raw meaty bone as possible, but all follow the rule of thumb — KNOW YOUR DOG!
My rule of thumb and paw: Brush my dog's teeth as I would my own; so two times a day works famously.
For pee pads, my rule of thumb is that so long as one foot is on the pad, then the puppy did the right thing.
They have less protection than an unclothed human so use that as an environment exposure rule of thumb.
As a general rule of thumb, it is far better to be safe than sorry, so avoid feeding your dog any human food unless recommended by your vet.
Puppies very rarely make good decisions on their own (at least as far as we are concerned), so a good rule of thumb for now is if you don't see him, SOMETHING BAD IS HAPPENING.
As a rule of thumb, those drugs are more apt to cause a problem when they are given orally or by injection and less likely to do so when massaged in small amounts into the skin of affected areas.
As a rule of thumb, a typical new - build reactor will generate about 1 gigawatt a year, so it appears there are quite a few new Chinese nuclear power plants on the drawing board.
As for the consistency in sign, my rule of thumb has been that there is no significant communication between the north and south polar regions through the atmosphere (this comes up in the context of glacial - interglacial fluctuations) so it would have to be oceanic.
So, while q in (4) is proportional to precipitation P, this equation can not be interpreted as a kind of rule of thumb «where precipitation is high, wind is strong».
This tendency is so strong that many people believe that there is a rule of thumb that awards a dismissed employee, as an example, one month of notice for every year of service.
As a rule of thumb, if you would happily greet a colleague or client with a kiss, but refrain from doing so in the presence of their, or your own, boss then you should think again about whether your behaviour is appropriate.
Although there are «rules of thumb» such as your life insurance should be 10 times or 20 times or some other multiple of your annual income, the best approach is to consider your own personal needs so that your survivors have adequate life insurance proceeds to meet their financial needs in the event of your death.
So as a general rule of thumb, if your anemia (and consequent Epogen prescription) is due to some type of temporary medical condition, chances are, the insurance companies are not going to penalize you for using Epogen, but will likely want to review your medical records so that they can be certain that your anemia isn't the result of some other more serous underlying medical conditioSo as a general rule of thumb, if your anemia (and consequent Epogen prescription) is due to some type of temporary medical condition, chances are, the insurance companies are not going to penalize you for using Epogen, but will likely want to review your medical records so that they can be certain that your anemia isn't the result of some other more serous underlying medical conditioso that they can be certain that your anemia isn't the result of some other more serous underlying medical condition.
There are certain insurance companies who, as a rule of thumb, do not interview a candidate if he or she doesn't make a follow - up call, so don't bust your chances by neglecting this essential step.
As a rule of thumb, if you are able to save money, you won't need to replace all your income so you can buy less term life insurance.
So use some discretion when removing troublesome apps, and as a general rule of thumb, don't uninstall anything that doesn't have an entry in your app drawer.
As a rule of thumb, we'll be posting new #AskDanWindows episodes every Friday afternoon Eastern Time on the front page of Windows Central, so remember to check back then.
However, the rule of thumb is to keep this note short and sweet, so eliminate unnecessary details such as employment dates.
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