Sentences with phrase «so as the colony»

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It is true that the US did not persecute the Jews - or at least, as one Nazi lawyer remarked in 1936, it had not persecuted the Jews «so far» - but it had created a host of forms of second - class citizenship for other minority groups, including Chinese, Japanese, Filipinos, Puerto Ricans and Native Americans, scattered all over the Union and its colonies.
America has so many people who identify themselves as religious because A) some of our initial settlers came to the colonies because their beliefs were out of line with the government ordained religion in their country.
After almost ten years of North American maneuvering, the U.N. Committee on Decolonization declared the island a colonial territory (over the protest of the U.S. and most of the island's population — who argued that in 1953, when Puerto Rico became a so - called «commonwealth» as a result of a popular election, it ceased to be a colony and became instead a «free associated state»).
I have every respect to those angels and consider bringing such subject up as disrespect for what those do to our world with their kindness... Those nuns and popes were once my teachers in the kindergarden in Aden Colony of Southern Arabia although I was considered as Muslim from Muslim parents... so you can say I hold for them great respect although we are from different religions beliefs...!
Just as a college, founded by a denomination, reaches for respectability, severs its church ties and becomes a secular university, and just as a colony, settled by citizens of a motherland, rebels and becomes a nation, so a dynamic spiritual movement tends to become one more institution, one more system, one more bureaucracy.
Just as Winthrop thought of Moses so Captain John Smith thought of Aeneas in what Howard Mumford Jones calls the «prose Aeneid» that he composed to recount his establishment of the English Colony in Virginia.23 But it was not so much Latin myth or legend that dominated the minds of educated Americans in the late i8th century as it was the history of Roman liberty.
(For example, Paul may have wanted to say that, «just as Caesar might one day visit a colony like Philippi or Thessalonica or Corinth... so the absent but ruling Lord of the world would one day appear and rule in person within this world.»)
We must also note that the large majority of those who migrated from the Old World to the Thirteen Colonies did so from other than religious motives and that as late as A.D. i8oo less than one - tenth of the population of what by then had become the United States held membership in any of the churches.
Well lets see, Maryland was founded as the only catholic colony so has a solid concentration, but we know demographics have changed since the 1700's.
Some historians have gone so far as to argue that it was the first movement that gave the colonies any sense of common identity.28 Itinerant ministers, exemplified by the indefatigable George Whitfield, traveled from colony to colony bearing their message of repentance and redemption.
Curiously, coconuts — so important in the Spice Islands — do not play a role in South African curries.Late in the seventeenth century, with the «revictualling» station in operation, commerce between the Dutch East India Company and the new Dutch colony of South Africa picked up considerably because of an important commodity: Malay slaves, referred to in South African literature as «the king of slaves.»
Easily the freakiest thing about the SCOBY (which stands for Symbiotic Colony of Bacteria and Yeasts) is that, so long as it's got a continuous supply of sugar and tea to feast on, it just keeps growing.
The fourth colony sometimes evolved «cheater» robots instead, which would light up to tell the others that the poison was food, while they themselves rolled over to the food source and chowed down without emitting so much as a blink.
Using the new biosensors, the most efficient microbial workers are easily identified so that they can serve as the predecessors for colonies of engineered bacteria that evolve to become more efficient at producing renewable chemicals with each subsequent generation.
As the colonies grow bigger, so does the frequency of aggressive females.
So, when native colonies were perturbed — their docile - to - aggressive ratios thrown out of whack — they, somehow, sensed this as an extinction risk, and, over several generations, readjusted their ratio back to normal.
And just as ant colonies are jackpots for ant look - alike rove beetles, so, too, are termite nests.
So far, Dr Gross and his team have tested Turing Learning in robot swarms but the next step is to reveal the workings of some animal collectives such as schools of fish or colonies of bees.
«We've focused on designing hives so they optimise the health of the colony and lower the stress, as opposed to maximising the success of honey,» says co-founder Aaron Makaruk.
Also, inapparent infections by iridescent viruses may involve a low density of IIV particles in infected host cells [46], so without sensitive techniques such as MSP, it is not surprising that infections in CCD bee colonies were previously missed.
Personnel responsible for managing colonies monitor reproductive indices such as litter size, pre-and post-weaning losses, developmental and birth defects, so that appropriate actions can be taken.
Spore - based probiotics also have an ability to boost Lactobacillus colonies, so they can be used concurrently with Lactobacillus probiotics as well as in place of them.
It depends a lot on your particular colony of kefir grains, so as you point out it's hard to say anything definitive!
The intensity does ease up as you progress and your community establishes itself as a more sustainable colony, but the early hours don't leave much room for stopping and smelling the roses of State of Decay 2's scenery when new developments back home so often demand your attention.
The romance such as it is, is the nicest thing in the film, and there are some other funny moments, but despite the local pedigree in genre and in the veteran talent on - screen feels weirdly unrooted, like so many Hong Kong films trying to appeal to audiences outside the (former) colony.
Ghosts of Mars has a couple of relatively bloodless beheadings, a trio of unconvincing throat slashings, and an execution - by - hubcap that is not nearly so interesting as the fact of the hubcaps themselves being on a remote mining colony.
Initially they had no interest in developing the hinterland but found that they needed to increase food supplies so released some of the Dutch farmers, known as Boers, from their contracts allowing them to set up farms which would supply the colony and ships.
What we've got here is a space saga where you're trapped working for a mining colony so you alternate between working for the man and blowing up bad guys for him as well.
At any rate, we wanted to take a closer look at the financial health of South Carolina's cities and residents, so here at LendEDU, we decided to pull the average credit score of each town and city from one of the original thirteen colonies; we viewed credit score as a fair gauge of financial health given its connection to debt repayment and credit history.
We've been so honored to be selected by the readers of the Old Colony Memorial as the best veterinary hospital in Plymouth for the past four years.
Insect colonies, which function as so - called «superorganisms,» appear to have personalities, scientists are finding.
If you are moving or can no longer adequately care for your colony, contact Low Cost Spay Neuter Clinic at (317) 706-0537 as soon as possible so that alternate caretakers can be identified.
The majority of our work with feral cats involves neutering colonies and returning them to their existing site so long as they have shelter, a food supply and the site is expected to be permanent i.e. not to be redeveloped.
After debate, council members unanimously adopted a version that prohibits future colonies on public property... [but] allows future colonies on private properties, so long as landowners secure City Council approval.»
Unfortunately, so many myths and untruths surround feral cat colonies that caregivers often need to undertake community education at outreach at the same time as the hands - on caring for the cats.
The presence of feral cat colonies is one explanation as to why the statistics are so skewed, but economic hardship and lack of public knowledge can also be attributed.
If you have a colony of feral cats that you are currently providing food, water and shelter for and need help getting them «fixed» so as to avoid unwanted kittens, then yes we can help you.
Examples include laws that prohibit cats from being at - large (so - called leash laws), require licenses for all cats, ban the feeding of any animal outdoors or limit the number of pets a person can own (with «own» defined as feeding, harboring or similar language that would apply to a colony caretaker).
As few as one or two cats in your back yard count just as much as a large colony, so please be as inclusive as possiblAs few as one or two cats in your back yard count just as much as a large colony, so please be as inclusive as possiblas one or two cats in your back yard count just as much as a large colony, so please be as inclusive as possiblas much as a large colony, so please be as inclusive as possiblas a large colony, so please be as inclusive as possiblas inclusive as possiblas possible!
The waters off the southern tip of the Eyre Peninsula in South Australia are home to a large colony of endangered sea lions that love interacting with swimmers, so much so they are known as the «puppies of the sea».
In doing this you will find yourself reinforcing your colony space - station with new buildings, staff and robots as well as building spaceships so you can explore the galaxy around you.
It's fine in the early days of your colony when you are managing just a couple of buildings, but as time goes on and you've got so much more to keep your eyes on having to constantly ferry resources from area to area becomes an irritating slog of micromanagement, a problem that doesn't get solved until you can build a shuttle port which will automatically deploy little ships to move resources around as needed.
Out of battles, at the bridge of your ship, you can build and develop new ships (as you progress the campaign) with incomes from the colonies, so to protect them is a must!
The Children of Atom are as fanatical as ever, raising serious doubts over humanity's ability to live independent of blind faith (those of you familiar with Stephen King's The Mist will notice striking similarities), and the leader of the synth colony wastes no time in posing some genuinely thought - provoking questions to the player about synths who may not even know that they are synths, even going so far as to make the player question his / her character's true identity.
Lots of games put stories front and centre, but few have story quite so integral to the experience as Telltale's games, meanwhile there's the sims of managing Martian colonies and dino theme parks, and the strategy games that can be described as grand, turn - based and more.»
and Dwarf Fortress both feature dwarf colonies digging out tunnels as their basic premise so some players expected they would play similarly as well.
The puzzles really help to bring the level design along with such puzzles as removing a light bulb from one chain and placing it on the other to make the colony of bats flee their roost, so Baby can progress beyond the bats and having to use a particular mood to produce rain to raise the positioning of the boat in order for Baby to jump onto the boat.
As mentioned, though, Freeplay will also appeal to people who want to simply keep a virtual ant colony — all tasks in Freeplay will take longer than in the campaign (digging, hatching, etc) so will feel a little closer to reality.
The audio analysis system is said to employ machine learning so as to «get smarter over time,» and all of the data gathered by the devices will be open source and publicly available for study, with the aim of contributing to the global work being done on colony collapse disorder (CCD), pesticide exposure, and bee colony health.
The «Greenland myth» is that the global climate was so much warmer during the Medieval Warm Period that Greenland, a frozen wasteland today, was so hospitable that it was named as it was and supported a thriving colony of Norse.
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