Sentences with phrase «so by counting»

They do so by counting all inquiries within a given period of time, or buffer period, as a single inquiry.
Jonathan Pritchard of Stanford University in Palo Alto, California, and his postdoc Yair Field did so by counting unique single - base changes, which are found in every genome.
So by my count that's half that have had a sizeable impact, three players who have not lived up to their investment (one due to injury) and three that could have a major role to play in the future.

Not exact matches

Every penny counts when you're a small business, so we're going to help by offering our 5 tips for reducing small business running costs:
On Twitter, you can use only 160 characters for your bio, so make it count by leveraging all of them to the limit.
Judging by the investments that are underperforming so far this year, the supposedly safe - haven assets — the ones you counted on to keep your portfolio stable during periods just like the current one, when market volatility surges — are turning out to be not so safe after all.
About 40 countries, including the United States, have indicated officially that they expect China to abide by the ruling, by Poling's count, so China would presumably lose political capital with those nations if it continued to act in opposition to any tribunal decisions.
THE whole picture of industry, business, and amusements, then, may be summed up by repeating that while there are certain industries which Jews dominate and certain industries in which Jewish participation is considerable there are also vast industrial fields, generally reckoned as the most typical of our civilization, in which they play a part so inconsiderable as not to count in the total picture.
Remember, most lenders want to know that you can repay a loan (which is why they ask about revenue, cash flow, and other financial metrics), will you repay a loan (which is demonstrated by your past credit behavior and why your credit profile is so important), and that they can count on you to make each and every payment in a timely manner regardless of what happens during the loan term.
It is important, therefore, that you provide instructions to your broker if your shares are held by a broker so that your vote with respect to these non-routine items is counted.
US military aid to Israel now exceeds $ 3.5 billion a year — not counting the value of special projects like the «Iron Dome» missile defense system the Senator is so enthralled by.
It is important, therefore, that you provide instructions to your broker if your shares are held by a broker so that your vote with respect to Items 1, 2 and 3 is counted.
Even if you currently plan to attend the meeting, we recommend that you vote by proxy before the meeting so that your vote will be counted if you later decide not to attend.
So when you've written your article, take the total word count, divide it by 100 and make sure your article contains about that number of images.
And by the way, from Q3 - 2003 to Q3 - 2014 GG's share count rose from 183M to 814M, so although its share price is up by «only» about 50 %, its market cap is up by about 580 % over the period in question.
So a $ 1,000 a month tax - free Social Security payment might be counted as a $ 1,250 payment by mortgage underwriters.
I will appreciate the Cameron stocks bounce, but I am not counting on it fuelling one more major up - leg in the Uk market place & # 13 & #thirteen & # 13 & # 13 & # 13 Photo: REUTERS & #thirteen & #thirteen Markets are driven by the mismatch amongst expectation and truth so it arrives as no surprise...
It is therefore important that you provide instructions to your broker if your shares are held by a broker so that your vote with respect to Directors is counted.
Women in Science: 50 Fearless Pioneers Who Changed the World by Rachel Ignotofsky — This could count as a picture book, I guess — the illustrations are so charming — but it's written with older girls in mind so I tucked it into this section.
In Jesus» thinking, God was so committed to the support of right choices that the divine resources could be counted on by all who threw their wills on the right side.
So nothing is really proven by appealing to the impossibility of counting to infinity, since any such count must have a beginning.
I keep reassuring people who say that the flesh is meaningless and weak, and that only the spirit counts for anything, that they should act on their beliefs, pray up a storm of requests for forgiveness, and then do themselves (and, not so incidentally, the rest of us) a favor by killing themselves.
So we read, on the first count, that philosophy is prized in Silicon Valley; or, in arguments made popular by Fareed Zakaria, the liberal arts are essential for innovation and so the promotion of prosperitSo we read, on the first count, that philosophy is prized in Silicon Valley; or, in arguments made popular by Fareed Zakaria, the liberal arts are essential for innovation and so the promotion of prosperitso the promotion of prosperity.
Contra John Yoo, Romney will likely surpass McCain total popular vote when all the ballots are counted and do so by more than a million votes.
Please respond with as many emoticons as possible by the way, personally I count each point you make with an emoticon as a win, so the more emoticons you use, the more I know I'm right.
During some of its flourishing periods, the Sufis were counted by the millions all over the Muslim Empire and in some countries their influence was so great that the heads of their orders were the practical rulers, with supreme authority in every major problem concerning the religious or secular institutions.
Jennifer Michael Hecht laments the fact that so few current public officeholders --- by one count, only five --- have professed their lack of faith.
But now with the help of evasions the clever one talks as if the Good itself was no power, or as if its power counted for nothing, so therefore, that it could be the clever one, who (if he chose to risk it) by doing all, would help out the Good.
So, if by «you» you mean those who live in denial, who willingly embrace contradictions and fallacies, then I have to say I'm glad I'm no longer counted in that number.
Formation counts, of course, and those early «sex - blind» perceptions at Yale (preceded by similar ones at Smith College under the tutelage of some grandes dames of the feminist movement of the «20s) have stayed with me to the extent that while my femininity qualifies my theology it does so adjectivally and indirectly.
So if you accept that all are effectively trying to name after the same person then the count of all those permutations means that Mohammed is the most popular If you are the BBC or a Government official then you want to hide the fact that the Muslims are out breeding the indigenous population by counting each spelling as an unique instance
He has a presentiment of the dreadful event, that a jealous criticism will many a time let him feel the birch; he trembles at the still more dreadful thought that one or another enterprising scribe, a gulper of paragraphs, who to rescue learning is always willing to do with other peoples» writings what Trop «to save appearances» magnanimously resolved to do, though it were «the destruction of the human race» — that is, he will slice the author into paragraphs, and will do it with the same inflexibility as the man who in the interest of the science of punctuation divided his discourse by counting the words, so that there were fifty words for a period and thirty - five for a semicolon.
we only know by observing externally or what is being shown to us... so in my opinion what he has inside of him is between him and his The Creator... and I would not put myself in a sit of judge as I am not assign to do that... all i care about that he is doing the right thing for American people and the people around the earth... thats all count to me...
To get things started off..., by my count, I have already read 8 other books in 2011, so I'm starting this year's count with # 9.
I believe that was preceded by the Lord instructing said leader to NOT do so (count his followers, that is)... or face certain consequences.
Initially, I thought so as well, with it being further muddied by different calendric reckonings for when to start counting for Shavuot.
Also, in the number you're thinking about, you're including a total count of those that died within a certain period, including those that died from famines caused by droughts and so on.
Since similar estimates have been employed by various writers for at least fifteen years, it is obvious that no one is actually counting; that no one knows how many are involved; and that growth, if it is occurring at all, is not nearly so rapid as the growth of evangelical Christian communities, which seem to be expanding by hundreds of thousands every few years.
So of course I was all up in arms when I found out that a bunch of publishers and politicians tried to «civilize» these documents by taking out the parts they didn't like — the n - word from a new edition of Huck Finn and those embarrassing sections about slaves counting as three - fifths of a person in Congress» reading of the Constitution.
So when I had the opportunity to review Fight Church (created by the same team that made the thoughtful, well - produced documentary Holy Rollers about a group of card - counting Christians), I asked my friend Nate Pyle for his take on the topic.
The army of copy editors and fact - checkers suggests that magazines believe the print version is more important by far: What appears on the blogs doesn't count, unless it is so egregious that even the subscribers of the print magazine and the advertisers start complaining.
To his meal came old friends, including Spalatin; and following them came newer friends and a hundred other people, so that he was «greeted and visited through the whole night by many counts, barons, gilded knights and nobles, ecclesiastical and lay».
(Isa 8:20 NIV)» this verse is the bases for Bible interpretation,,, it identifies the guidelines,,, in other words,,, the Bible can't contradict itself,,, nor can anyone who claims to be bearing the message of God contradict with the Bible,,, so if the Bible tells me that (Soddom and Gomorrah had sinned,,, and in many other parts of the Bible Perversion is called by its name) then what King David says here needs to be understood in a figurative way,,, here is a suggestion,,, a Man lets down his defenses infront of his wife,,, he is absolutely offguard around her,,, his love towards his wife, is a mixture of love, respect, endless trust,,, and this kind of love was what David had towards Jonathan,,, he knew he could count on him, he knew, he didn't have to fear anything around him, he knew,,, «as the verse states» that he loved him as himself!
When we rest by not doing our own work on the Sabbath, it is a powerful reminder that just as we trust God to supply our material needs, so we trust in his grace for salvation and that none of our works count toward that salvation.
The local tax collectors, who obtained the concession by bidding for it, and had to exact for the chief tax collector as much as possible in indirect taxes — e.g., tolls on imported goods — were indeed Jews, but because of their dishonorable practices, and no doubt also because of their subservience to an alien government, they were so hated and despised that they were not counted as members of the Jewish community, and all intercourse with them was avoided.
By now I am almost fully pledged vegetarian (I still eat fish sometimes though, but that need decreases) As a former meat eater I enjoyed Golabki, Flaki and Pierogies, both are polish cuisines because even though I was born in Germany, half my heritage (specific: my mother) comes from Poland and I grew up with traditional polish cuisine, which still counts as comfort food to me (Omg I need to mention I tried so often to make Bigos Vegetarian without sacraficing the taste, but it's still a challange) Bu talso my other half of heritage come from Hungary, I also enjoy traditional Hungarian food like Langos and Palacsinta (so good) Basically I've been brought up with no fear from anything new, I have no prejudices, try everything I can and enjoy home cooked meals made with local basic ingridients the most!
So I was basically counting down to each of those which made it go by really quickly.
So reduce the calorie count but keep all the comfort by subbing in that hardest working vegetable, cauliflower, instead.
Okay, so the award was given by my Salvadorian better half, which really should count for something, right...?
So I'll eat a healthy breakfast, lunch, snack, do a hard workout, then eat a good dinner, and will cheat by eating dessert I do drink alcohol, and I don't count alcohol as a «cheat» or anything.
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