Sentences with phrase «so by default»

The markets will continue to rebound, so by default, it is likely BCH increases in value accordingly.
The company previously did so by default and offered no opt - out option.
Since the lack of power which impacts acceleration and speed in essence makes the vehicle safer, this computes to the insurance company as lower risk and so by default the premiums when computed should be lower.
So by default the landlord keeps the damage deposit?
Your dog needs exercise, so by default you will get exercise as well - and staying fit and healthy as you age is an essential part of enjoying your empty nest.
So by default, this reader looks like it has a screen protector installed (which it does).
You may not mean to keep people out, but, because like tends to cling to like, you can sometimes do so by default.
However, I must tell you that flashing a custom ROM is not an official update operation, so by default, when dealing with such operations, the warranty of your phone gets void.
So by default, you can customize your WIFI network, access a Bluetooth device or change the refresh rate.
Both Moonlight and Manchester by the Sea hit here (as well as multiple individual acting nominations) so by default doesn't that make them stronger films in the race?
Before you start rolling your eyes and telling me that some (most) of these are not actually new Dallas restaurants, they were new to me this month and so by default I can use the word
I'm a total cat lover, so by default I'm in love with this dress.
It can do wonders for your self - esteem, so by default, it's an advantage.
At least we do not have Ox to worry about, so by default there will be another player in.
But to date, there is zero evidence that a creator was responsible for life on this planet, so by default, Hawking is correct that god did not create that either.
For every one who consciously disclaims accountability for his work, there are dozens who do so by default because of:
I believe all gods are imaginary and useless, so by default, that makes whatever god you believe in useless and imaginary.

Not exact matches

Remember though, if you default on a secured loan then the assets or asset class you used as a security could be seized by the creditor in a Court procedure that could also put your company out of business, so there is some element of risk to consider with asset - based financing.
What holds people back is fear of failure, but if you don't take action, you'll fail by default, so what have you got to lose?
For those who may be lacking emotional preparedness, we recommend working with an advisor to help you prepare for retirement so you can live your retirement years by design — not by default.
«It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might has well not have lived at all, in which case you have failed by default
«The only way you can make matters worse,» says Ballentine, «is by keeping the business loan and your home mortgage at the same bank, which might impose a «cross-default» mechanism on you — so that both loans automatically go into default if you run into problems with either one of them.»
It turned out that employees were needlessly printing out e-mails with blue hyperlinks in color, so Becker made it a priority to reconfigure each computer to print in black and white by default.
As mentioned, it's formatted by default for Windows machines, so if you're a Mac owner who's not comfortable with reformatting a hard drive, you may want to look elsewhere.
So for the great majority of the Canadian mortgage market, the risk of default is shouldered not by the banks, but by taxpayers.
If your product or service is so unique and compelling that it's able to define a whole new category, then you are the winner by default.
So we hit pause, moved out (it's now a rental property by default), and now just pay an extra $ 150 + towards it every month by rounding up the payments.
FHA loans are guaranteed by the government, so that the lender is paid back with federal funds if the borrower defaults.
Apple hardware is generally more expensive so there's a cost premium Tell me more: No connected technology is 100 % privacy safe but Apple's hardware - focused business model means the company's devices are not engineered to try to harvest user data by default.
Attempts to export its excess savings can only lead to one of three outcomes: A) global growth rises because Europe's savings are all directed at developing countries with significant infrastructure investment needs and insufficient capital, B) global growth drops sharply, global unemployment rises, and China's adjustment becomes all but impossible, C) international trade and capital flows collapse in a repeat of the 1930s, so that Europe is forced to resolve its savings imbalance either by a massive increase in unemployment or a wave of sovereign defaults.
Credit Risk: Investors that are chasing yield in lower qualiity bonds are doing so by increasing their credit or default risk.
We will amend the Access to Information Act so that all government data and information is made open by default in machine - readable, digital formats.
Treasury bonds are considered by most to be free of default risk, so they are the benchmark to which all other types of bonds are compared.
The negotiation of such an agreement had long been rejected by the country's prior populist administration, leading creditors to gain a ruling in US courts that precipitated Argentina's default in 2014, and so prevented it from issuing further debt.
So the average borrower has $ 30,000 in student loan debt, you add 16 to 25 percent to that and they're racking up thousands of dollars in unnecessary costs by defaulting,» Josuweit says.
Since default matters in Northbound trading via Shanghai - Hong Kong Stock Connect do not involve products listed or traded in SEHK or HKFE, so similar to the case of investors trading overseas securities, they will not be covered by the Investor Compensation Fund.
Quite a few are going the way of Greece, quite a few more are in danger of doing so and quite a few of those that so far aren't are scrambling to avoid it by cutting back on social spending before there is a default crisis.
Cosmology theory, by default, defines God as an Existent God, a perverse mega-creature, who created evil in the universe so we can step right into the trap.
The issue has so far been ceded — by default — to pseudo-moralists like Richard Lugar, Pat Buchanan and the Christian Coalitionist's Ralph Reed, who have been the only major political voices to speak out against the proliferation of legalized gambling... The highest formulaic expression of the New American Economy might just be «casinos plus part - time jobs.»
So, even strong atheists (those that believe there are no gods) have a far stronger case than any theist, by virtue of holding the default position.
The speaker in the cartoon is assuming that if homsexuals are made so by environmental factors, then all humans must be born neutral and their sexuality, in either direction, is shaped by the environment; when in fact one could also argue (and I believe the argument actually is) that humans are born hetero by default and shifted to homosexuality be environmental factors.
We're so used to the default trope that China is «the world's most populous nation» that it will come as a shock to many that, by some demographers» estimates, China's current population, 1.4 billion, will shrink to 500 million by the turn of the next century.
It is true that where man is exploited, crushed, degraded by man, the Christian can neither avoid involvement by escape into the realm of spiritual values, nor side by default with the dominating party (as he has done so often in the course of history).
So if God predestines one group, then by default He predestines the other.
Sexual assault and affairs between married men and women are not so bad (of course we expect this behavior from men because they are sex addicts by default), but God forbid if you are single or gay and having sex.
So if the public schools don't by default give the days off, parents should talk to the school (principals, teachers) about not having exams on days they plan to have their kids miss school.
To determine that God has a so - called created divine order with men in roles of leadership by default of gender, and women in subservient roles, by default of gender, is to actually agree with the cosmos, or world system.
So even before you start to quibble about» by Christ» or «in Christ» or how some people being saved not by anything they do while others are not and how damnation by default slips around Augustines or Calvins problems you seem stuck with the trap of people being chosen from before creation to do something or other.
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