Sentences with phrase «so chill»

now, since I'm so chill, yet «sensitive» — time to replacement shop!
Dog owners get used to having tufts of the stuff in their muesli, on their pizza or flying in their mouth as they try to make an important point, so chill out — what's a couple of strands between pals?
She is so chill about the new family arrangement.
I'm not sure why my sister and I are so chill with our co-parenting journeys.
Which they probably aren't, so chill.
He was so chill and cool fun to talk to.
hmmm i forgot what i was going to say oh well chill dude its a manic preformance i put on to make me seem like like some hardcore fan (i am but not Hardcore hardcore if you cach my meaning) so chill dude in this fansite you can say whatevers on your mind and if people do nt agree with what you say... screw em (theoretacly speaking of course) or you could have a flame war.......
So chill, grab a coke and have a smile.
Sampson is so chill — even with my hyper, crazy dog running circles around him!
In a perfect world, a family watches this and goes, «Oh, that bulldog is so chill!»»
So chill out what's the problem!?
I am not quite so chill about assuming the books will always be available from the ebook ecosystem.
So chill and read what you already have on your reader or computer and relax.
Our love for Amazon was always conditional, so chill.
Merry and Pippin are both so cool in the face of danger; Merry's brilliant and Pippin's so chill.
Still, Dickerson is so chill that all is forgiven.
Karla has her own money and she is involved in her own things so chill out and shutup.
As I mentioned in Monday's post, it will be a while before it's actually necessary to cover all body parts up (so chill it ladies with the premature omgitsfall outfits) but I'll be here to help you slowly transition into the cooler temps.
In this outfit, because my blazer is so chill and not structured whatsoever, I paired it casually with a simple outfit.
If the wind weren't so chill, I'd be in birkenstocks.
Your look looks so chill and chic!
It's so breezy, yet so chill.
Meditation helps you to avoid this, which is part of the reason Zen monks are so chill.
So chill oh and not waitin for my cat or my 2 dogs to die just wanted to mention that.
And she was so chill after that that we even had time to stroll down the block to get mama a café au lait at Simon's before heading home.
So chill, dude... We have a very competent manager, and he knows what he's doing.
So chill down author.
Walcott will come on soon and reinforce our counter attack so chill the hell out people.
so chill if we sign a top player he will really be top.
In the middle of it all, she was so chill there was time to think about the important things:
It wasn't fat shaming so chill with your safe space sarcasm.
Agree with the post that Callum Chambers was MOTM, and MOST of the ratings, but, last week in the CS that MIDFIELD DOMINATED THE CITY midfield, so chill out guys.
So chill the coconut filling before covering it in chocolate.
How this place, which bakes the best bread, flakiest croissants, and most absurdly custardy quiche in Chicago, has managed to stay so chill since opening in 2014 never ceases to amaze me.
These will soften quickly at room temperature, so chill them well before rolling, and don't let them sit out before serving.
So chill the dough at least three hours and up to two days.
That life is really just one big puzzle all the adults (even the mature 90 - year - olds) are still trying to figure out day after day, so chill and don't fret because you haven't got your life all mapped out yet.
If you can't get to baking them in the hour or so chill time, it will be OK.
The reason they look so chill is because they have money making money somewhere and they don't have to think about it.
The classical star also revealed she was surprised to «feel so chilled and relaxed about life» and said she would love to have another baby.
I couldn't wait for 30 minutes, so chilled them for 15 and baked.
These cookies have flour in them, so chilling the dough permits the gluten strands in the flour to cause a rubbery texture in the final cookie.
I also wanted to try a different way to prepare the polenta so I chilled it, cut it into triangles and fried it.
So, I opted for a very rich and indulgent hot chocolate recipe and set aside the healthy smoothie recipe for a time when I'm not feeling quite so chilled.
(The cookies will soften if you leave them out on the counter overnight, so chilling them is best for texture and shelf life.)
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