Sentences with phrase «so flawed»

The problems with applicant tracking systems beg the question: If they're so flawed and if they filter out good candidates, why do employers bother to use them?
Yet despite a glut of advice books and Web sites, an estimated 85 percent of cover letters are so flawed that senders never land an interview.»
they can not seriously be close to a Note8 release when the S8s Oreo is apparently SO flawed they stopped its rollout.
The Defendants did not challenge his qualifications to give this evidence, however, at the conclusion of the expert's testimony the Defendants brought a motion to rule the testimony inadmissible arguing that the expert's «underlying methodology and science are so flawed that the evidence (does not meet the legal test for admissibility)» and that the expert was «biased and purposely misled the court to assist the plaintiff ``.
«Five other justices signed on to the opinion,» he said, «it's inconceivable that their collective critical faculties could be so flawed as to justify redoing the case.»
Again, if my analysis is so flawed then how can my calculated flux at earth, 1366W / m ^ 2, be so close to what NASA measures, 1368W / m ^ 2?
The coal and oil companies, as well as the oil - producing nations, argue that the computerized climate models are crude and approximate, incomplete, inconclusive, and so flawed that their predictions of future climate change can not be used as a basis for taking action.
What seems to have happened in comments here is a scientists gave what appears to be an answer so flawed that people of good faith could easily consider it to be flat out wrong.
The basis of the various petitions is that the process is so flawed that the IPCC can not be considered a reliable provider of the true state of climate science, something that the EPA heavily relies on the IPCC to be.
The coastal models are so flawed that Pilkey recommends dredging up a lot of sand and dumping it on the beach «willy - nilly» and he predicts you would end up with the same result, minus the «false mathematical certitude.»
As you can see from my contibutions and original article, I have grave concerns about the provenance of the raw material, believing that most of it was collected in so flawed a manner that using it as the basis for highly detailed analysis 150 years after the sailor first threw the bucket overboard to gather a sample, gives it a scientific credibilty it does not warrant.
Yet the science behind human - induced global warming is so flawed it is amazing all three parties have managed to get away with the deception.
Wow, the logic on this website is so flawed and week that I just don't believe your clearly biased arguments.
Those oh so flawed models on which cli - «science» is based — sigh!
While I could go on and on... finally, the AGW models (conjectures based upon a belief but not upon science) have entirely failed to hold up because they were so flawed to start with.
Additionally, the Greenpeace / renewables industry report is so flawed that it should not have been considered by the IPCC at all.
That first paper by Soon and Baliunas was so flawed I was able to figure it out, and I have zero skills WRT the technical side of climate science.
Why is Maslowski's model so flawed and CCSM4 so good even though reality seems to be following Maslowski's model?
I like the concept, but if it's so flawed... What a shame!
For a game completely reliant on these mechanics, them being so flawed certainly doesn't make the experience remotely fun.
Sure, the graphics were pretty good, and the minigames were top - notch, and I liked it a bit more than Mario Party 9, but the car itself was so flawed that a change from the classic formula was almost pointless (again, I'm not hating on it because it was different).
Using her time - tested and scientifically - backed brand of positive reinforcement training methodology, Stilwell not only helps us understand once and for all why outdated and dangerous punishment - based methods are so flawed, but also how and why to replace them with more effective and long - lasting positive solutions that create a bond between man and dog based on mutual trust, respect and love.
Great article J.D. I was a bit upset the first time I heard of the debt snowball that someone hawking financial advice could propose something so flawed and illogical.
But her writing style was so flawed — her handling of point of view was particularly inept — that her characters never came to life.
Hard to take sides when all characters are so flawed.
My favorite part was actually the character of Claire, she was so flawed but wanting to do right, yet always talking herself into things for various reasons, like many of us do..
It's an easy book to love because all the characters in it are so flawed and so real.
It's almost a waste of technology when the execution is so flawed.
«The study is so flawed, in the nature of the essays analyzed and, particularly, the narrow range of scores, that it can not be used to support any conclusion that Automated Essay Scoring is as reliable as human graders.
We concluded that no tests that so flawed should be given to anyone.
No tests that are so flawed should be given to anyone.
Some people complained that the current evaluation system is so flawed that instructors who could still improve would instead be let go.
Because around the country there have been charter school so flawed they don't make it through the school year.
The problem with Coleman's work and much of the work spawned by the EEOS is not that it necessarily came to the wrong conclusions, but that the methods were so flawed that the conclusions were unjustified.
«This question has been glossed over as long as the AP has been perceived as basically good — a lot like collegiate introductory courses and not ideologically influenced — and the rest of the high - school curriculum has been seen as so flawed
A national school - desegregation study by the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights is «so flawed that it can not be carried out in a way that will either be seen as professionally respectable or fair,» an advisor to the commission wrote last week in a letter of resignation.
The reason why lies in his up - front analysis, when he writes about why today's education system is so flawed: «Our system doesn't fund schools, and certainly doesn't fund students.
Shopoff and Eskelsen argue that our current approach to high school is so flawed and ineffective that we can't fix it with mere tweaks.
It's just a shame that this «Alien» effort is so flawed.
The character is so flawed that he is never boring; you can't keep your eyes off of him because he's so much like a real person.
Sure, the graphics were pretty good, and the minigames were top - notch, and I liked it a bit more than Mario Party 9, but the car itself was so flawed that a change from the classic formula was almost pointless (again, I'm not hating on it because it was different).
It's brutal and violent, and asks us to sympathise with characters so flawed that they make Bruce Wayne look like a well - adjusted millionaire who simply likes fancy dress.
Well, it's awfully tough to like a movie while hating the script or finding the 3D so flawed that it harms the viewing experience.
At times, the multiplayer runs smooth and can be quite fun but I did wish the spawning system wasn't so flawed.
It does come down to the script, which is so flawed, and fitting for a lesser film, one that isn't rewarding inspired in most every other department, including the musical one.
This game is so flawed, so monotonous and deathly, deathly dull that I'm struggling to think of any reason whatsoever to waste your time and money on it.
@FD Your logic is so flawed, it's ridiculous.
When we feel shame, we feel that something makes us so flawed that we don't deserve to be in connection with other people.
The second study cited was so flawed it prompted scientists from four different universities to come together and write a letter to the journal editor entitled «Putting Eggs and Cigarettes in the Same Basket; Are You Yolking?»
It means the study is so flawed that it never should have been published in the first place.
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